The Gary Null Show – 03.15.16

Prof. Joseph Hickman is an adjunct professor at Seton Hall University School of Law and a senior research fellow at its Center for Policy and Research. Joe is also a former Marine and army sergeant who has worked on a variety of sensitive operations worldwide, including security at Guantanamo prison in Cuba. His revelations about the abuse of prisoners at the facility resulted in his award winning story in Harper’s magazine and his book “Murder at Camp Delta.” Prof. Hickman’s most recent book “The Burn Pits: The Poisoning of America’s Soldiers” investigates the Department of Defense’s and its private contractors’ negligence and subsequent denial about the human health and environmental dangers of “burn pits” in Afghanistan and Iraq, which exposed tens of 1000s of soldiers to life threatening toxins. The book has been banned by the Defense Department, and Joe is donating his royalties to the non-profit advocacy organization,, that is fighting on behalf of 1000s of soldiers suffering from a wide range of diseases, including autoimmune disorders, untreatable respiratory illnesses, and a variety of cancers due to burn pit exposure.

Focus on the Facts – 03.14.16

Dr Amy Reed and her husband Dr Hooman Noorchashm discussed their campaign to ban power morcellators, used in hysterectomies, which have been spreading a deadly and aggressive cancer to thousands of women every year in the US for more than two decades. Amy is a victim of morcellation and is in treatment for the cancer.

Let’s Create A Better World – 03.12.16

More love…..more happiness,,,…and learning to forgive. Our guest, Dr. Wendy Treynor, a happiness and love coach who overcame Cancer, discusses how the above can help us become better human beings and attain both happiness and forgiveness through a higher state of love. Dr. Wendy is also an author, speaker, scholar and trainer. . Learn how to love yourself and others. Dr. Wendy and myself, Bobby Eiias, also talked about stress, yoga, meditation, kindness, affirmations and self-healing.

Study shows broccoli may offer protection against liver cancer

Consumption of broccoli has increased in the United States over the last few decades as scientists have reported that eating the vegetable three to five times per week can lower the risk of many types of cancer including breast, prostate, and colon cancers. A new study from the University of Illinois reports that including broccoli in the diet may also …

Toxic lead can stay in the body for years after exposure

The ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan has highlighted just how harmful lead contamination is. What you may not realize, however, is that lead exposure is a problem throughout the U.S. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that over four million households with children in the U.S. are exposed to elevated levels of lead. At least half a million children …

Let’s Create A Better World – 03.05.16

Learning to use your natural-born gifts to heal yourself. This is the topic of this show explained by Alex Hermosillo, a renown master energy healer, author, teacher and widely sought after speaker. He is the founder of Master Energy Healing (M.E.H.). Thousands have benefitted from his work. He has assisted people in healing their migraine headaches, backaches, cancer, heart disease, tumors, depression and more.

Hermosillo details his near-death miraculous experience he had during a short time in a high spiritual plane heaven-like atmosphere while his body was being operated on in a hospital emergency room (ER). As a result of this experience, he found himself having acquired the ability to heal people and discusses these methods.

These techniques have helped people to heal virtually all major diseases and he shows people how to use these techniques along with gratitude and meditation so they can heal themselves. Some of the conditions he talks about on this show are heart disease, memory loss, and various types of pain.

SAKYONG MIPHAM RINPOCHE – Running Into Meditation

Meditating and running go hand in hand, says Sakyong Mipham. Exercise can be a support for meditation, and meditation can be a support for exercise. I began to run simply as a way to get some exercise. Soon enough, however, I found myself applying certain principles I have learned in a lifetime of meditating. I’ve incorporated these into my book,Running …

Jefferey Jaxen – Did Two Medical Journals Just Blacklist Gardasil Research Showing Dangers of the Vaccine?

The public, medical community and politicians throughout the world are witnessing a polarization regarding the safety of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine. A historic, global backlash of parents [1], whose teenagers have been injured by the HPV shot, is currently threatening the very root of a multibillion dollar vaccine industry [2]. While families and communities at the grassroots level continue to organize to …

Running helps mice slow cancer growth

Here’s one more benefit of exercise: mice who spent their free time on a running wheel were better able to shrink tumors (a 50% reduction in tumor size) compared to their less active counterparts. Researchers found that the surge of adrenaline that comes with a high-intensity workout helped to move cancer-killing immune (NK) cells toward lung, liver, or skin tumors …