New Cannabis Capsule Is So Effective That It’s Replacing Big Pharma Painkillers

If you know any female cannabis users, you may have heard that it can be very effective at relieving menstrual cramps. Now, a company called Foria Relief has created a vaginal suppository that could replace ibuprofen, Midol or Vicodin. It’s even made with an aromatic cocoa butter base. FORIA Relief has been carefully crafted using a delivery system intended to maximize the …

The Gary Null Show – 02.09.16

Dr. Uwe Blesching is a medical journalist and the chief editor of CHI Magazine. He specializes in mind-body medicine, natural evidence-based illness prevention and protocols and the benefits of cannabis and marijuana’s phytopharmacological properties. For twenty years, Uwe was a paramedic and emergency medical expert for the city of San Francisco. He hold degrees in the Humanities and Psychology and a doctorate in Higher Education and Social Change from the Western Institute for Social Research. In addition to publishing a global guide on the use of spices and herbs for food and medicine, he is the author of the recent “Cannabis Health Index” which presents the science from over 1000 research studies on marijuana’s medical and health benefits for over 100 chronic symptoms and diseases. His website is

Matt Agorist – Big Pharma is Synthesizing Cannabis to Make a Patent-able Pill and It’s Killing People

Throughout the bodies of every human on the planet is a physiological system that plays a crucial role in establishing and maintaining human health. The endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS), discovered by scientists unafraid of studying marijuana, is made of endocannabinoids and their receptors which are found throughout the body: in the brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, and immune cells. The …

Nick Allen – Researchers say drug kills cancer cells in rats but cautions against use by humans

The US government has confirmed that cannabis can kill cancer cells after the drug did so in tests on mice and rats, according to the National Cancer Institute. The development will provide further ammunition for pro-legalisation campaigners. On its website The National Cancer Institute, part of the US department of health, said: “Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids …

Majority of Physicians in U.S. Now Favor Medical Cannabis – Dr. Joseph Mercola

The use of marijuana for medical purposes is now legal in 23 states and, as of this writing, 9 states have pending legislation or ballot measures to legalize medical marijuana. Estimates are that between 85 and 95 percent of Americans are in favor of medical cannabis, and nearly 60 percent support complete legalization of marijuana. And doctors agree. In 2014, …