Drug War Fail: More Heroin Addicts Are Created By Doctors Than Drug Dealers – Carey Wedler

A recently released Drug Enforcement Administration reportreveals not only that heroin use has exploded, but that 4 out of 5 new users have previously abused prescription drugs. The details of the analysis, titled the “National Heroin Threat Assessment,” unwittingly demonstrate that the Drug War has failed to curb drug use and has actually exacerbated the problem. The report opens with an overview of …

New Study: HPV Vaccine ‘Increases Chance’ of Developing Other HPV Strains – Christine Sarich

Research presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research has shown that women who were vaccinated against HPV had a higher risk of developing non-vaccine strains of the virus. Approximately 60% of over 600 women between the ages of 20 and 26 who had been given the Gardasil vaccine to protect them against one of four strains …

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: protecting the private good? – Jeanne Lenzer

After revelations that the CDC is receiving some funding from industry, Jeanne Lenzer investigates how it might have affected the organization’s decisions The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) includes the following disclaimer with its recommendations: “CDC, our planners, and our content experts wish to disclose they have no financial interests or other relationships with the manufacturers of commercial products . …

Maine Doctors Testify That They Are Unqualified To Vaccinate Patients – Ginger Taylor

So I wrote this bill… Last summer a reporter I had never heard of from the Portland Press Herald called me about vaccine stuff. I started with my standard, “First of all I am not anti-vaccine. I vaccinated my children and one of them got hurt…” thing. Then he interviewed me for an hour and I got to discuss all …

Exposing the Lies of Vaccines – A List of Informative Clips to Watch

The Truth About the Gardasil Vaccine by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny CDC Whistleblower Revealed– AutismMediaChannel Government Caught Lying About Vaccine Dangers Nancy Banks on Vaccines We Oppose CA SB277: Parents On Vaccine Injury, Parental Rights & Education Do vaccines cause autism? Highly informative video narrated by Rob Schneider This is the Best Explanation of the Vaccine/Autism Connection I’ve Ever Heard!   …

Medical Journals Are an Extension of the Marketing Arm of Pharmaceutical Companies – Richard Smith

“Journals have devolved into information laundering operations for the pharmaceutical industry”, wrote Richard Horton, editor of the Lancet, in March 2004 [1]. In the same year, Marcia Angell, former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, lambasted the industry for becoming “primarily a marketing machine” and co-opting “every institution that might stand in its way” [2]. Medical journals were conspicuously absent …

One Third of US Adults with Metabolic Syndrome: What is it, and why worry? – Dennis Thompson

More than one-third of U.S. adults have a combination of health problems collectively known as metabolic syndrome that increase the risk of heart diseaseand diabetes, according to new research. What’s worse, the researchers found the rate of metabolic syndrome increases dramatically with age. Almost half of people 60 or older in the United States have metabolic syndrome, the study found. “That’s concerning, …

Elementary-age suicides: rate rising among black children

Youth suicide is a major problem – the second-leading cause of death among adolescents in the US – but research into the trends has tended to exclude young children, say authors analyzing the numbers. Their analysis looks exclusively at the group aged 5-11 years and finds that while the rate has remained steady overall, an increasing proportion of young black …

Mandatory vaccines bad for California, U.S. – Bob Sears

Two bills threaten our freedom to make health care decisions. In California, Senate Bill 277 mandates that all children be fully vaccinated in order to attend public school, private school or day care. Unprecedented opposition has risen up against it as parents statewide stand up for their rights. Now, a federal bill has just been submitted to match it: H.R. …

Long-term study on ticks reveals shifting migration patterns, disease risks

Over nearly 15 years spent studying ticks, Indiana University’s Keith Clay has found southern Indiana to be an oasis free from Lyme disease, the condition most associated with these arachnids that are the second most common parasitic disease vector on Earth. He has also seen signs that this low-risk environment is changing, both in Indiana and in other regions of …