The guest was Dr Kenneth Stoller, who discussed the US government’s cover up of all the harm caused by the huge number of mandatory vaccines given to children in the US, including the autism epidemic. He explained why the government refuses to address autism as a national health crisis. There is no doubt in the minds of top officials what’s causing autism, he said, so there is little point in trying to convince them of what they already know. Our children’s health is being destroyed by corporate greed. Americans cannot trust the MSM to give unbiased news on vaccines because of their financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry and parents also cannot trust the opinions of doctors on vaccines because they are taught the same false information put out by the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics has engaged in a cover-up to protect the interests of the vaccine makers and pharmaceutical empires, Stoller found.
Corrupt Pediatricians Disgrace Themselves
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), hugely funded by vaccine makers, calls for a police-state approach to vaccination. Action Alerts! Last month, the Academy, in a report titled “Countering Vaccine Hesitancy,” called for the elimination of all non-medical exemptions to vaccinations, including religious exemptions, on the model of California. Released alongside this report was another report, also from the AAP, bemoaning the increase in …
Anne Dachel – “This is the Worst Medical Fraud in the History of the World”
In a recent talk Dr. Andrew Wakefield went after the media for their complete failure to honestly and thoroughly cover the issue of vaccine safety. He was speaking to a small group of reporters, but his message is meant for all members of the media. Whistleblowing In The Public Interest by Dr. Andrew Wakefield- January 30, 2016 on Vimeo (video). …
Martha Rosenberg – Big Pharma’s Profiteers: You Want Us to Pay What for These Meds?
It is no secret that the pill profit party is over for drug companies. Bestselling pills like Lipitor, Seroquel, Zyprexa, Singular, Concerta, Cymbalta and Abilify have gone off patent and Wall Street is moving on to industries that offer better returns. To combat investor disenchantment, drug companies have rolled out expensive drugs that treat such rare conditions, they almost sound …
Offit Jumps Shark, Orders Starbucks, Plays Armchair Psychologist in Support of Oregon Bill
Senate Bill 442, since defeated in Oregon, had some high-powered supporters. Oregon activists recently unearthed the testimony of Dr. Paul Offit, a resident of Pennsylvania, who put together an extraordinary letter. It’s worth noting that Paul Offit is one of the primary architects of the thinking and logic behind the nationwide attempts to end vaccine exemptions, its remarkable to see …
Offit Vaccine Under Review In France After Baby Deaths
Two brands of rotavirus vaccine licensed in the United States are under review in France after two infant deaths from intussusception in 2012 and 2014. A report has been submitted by the French licensing agency, the MSNA, to the ‘General Directorate of Health’. The brands include the Merck Rotateq vaccine, of which leading compulsory vaccination advocate Paul Offit was co-inventor and share-holder, …