In the late 1990s, Salomon Smith Barney’s telecom analyst, Jack Grubman, was viewed by his powerful firm as a “disruptor.” He was throwing out the old rules on how a telecom analyst should interact with a company on which he was delivering research to the public and creating a new, innovative model. Instead of following the old rules and remaining …
The Clintons and Their Banker Friends – By Nomi Prins
[This piece has been adapted and updated by Nomi Prins from chapters 18 and 19 of her book All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power, just out in paperback (Nation Books).] The past, especially the political past, doesn’t just provide clues to the present. In the realm of the presidency and Wall Street, it provides an ongoing pathway …
More Nails in the Coffin of the Middle Class: 5 Things That Could Make Life Even Worse for Most Americans – Alex Henderson
If trickle-down economics were anything other than a cruel deception, the United States’ embattled working class would have many reasons to join Wall Street in singing “Happy Days Are Here Again.” Giant megabanks have been reporting huge profits for 2015’s first quarter, including $5.91 billion [3] at JPMorgan Chase (the largest bank in the country) and $5.8 billion at Wells Fargo. But trickle-down …
The Six Too Big To Fail Banks In The U.S. Have 278 TRILLION Dollars Of Exposure To Derivatives
The very same people that caused the last economic crisis have created a 278 TRILLION dollar derivatives time bomb that could go off at any moment. When this absolutely colossal bubble does implode, we are going to be faced with the worst economic crash in the history of the United States. During the last financial crisis, our politicians promised us that they …
There’s a Reason the Big Banks Aren’t Mad with Hillary
The Banks are hopping mad at Elizabeth Warren. So mad, they’re threatening to stop contributing money to the Democrats unless she stops being so … so … accurate in her criticisms. Translated, this means they realize she can’t be bought. Small wonder – Warren has been outspoken, plainspoken and passionate on where she stands on the economic issues of the day, which, …
Are Equities Overvalued?
Since the global economic crisis, sharp divergences in economic performance have contributed to considerable stock-market volatility. Now, equity prices are reaching relatively high levels by conventional measures – and investors are starting to get nervous. The question is whether stock valuations are excessive relative to future earnings potential. The answer depends on two key variables: the discount rate and future …