Project Censored – 07.28.15

Peter Phillips and Project Censored affiliate professor Julie Andrzejewski as co-host address the Global Environmental Crisis. They interview emeritus professor of Religion and Philosophy Dr. David Ray Griffin regarding his new book Unprecedented: Can Civilization Survive the CO2 Crisis?  Additionally, they talk with Truth Out investigative reporter Dahr Jamail regarding his newest article: Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as …

Big Oil Knew. Big Oil Lied. And Planet Earth Got Fried. – Jon Queally

They knew. They lied. And the planet and its people are now paying the ultimate price. It’s no secret that the fossil fuel industry—the set of companies and corporate interests which profit most from the burning of coal, oil, and gas—have been the largest purveyors and funders of climate change denialism in the world. Now, a new set of documents and …

I’m going to climate denial school: My first week inside the science of anti-science – LINDSAY ABRAMS

Tuesday, for me and some ten thousand classmates, was the first day of climate denial school. Or, should I say, anti-climate denial school. We’d all signed up for Denial101x, a new, six-week MOOC (that’s “massive open online course,” for all you education luddites) aimed at making sense of this whole phenomenon — and at giving us the tools to fight deniers, so …

Climate denial is immoral, says head of US Episcopal Church: ‘It is a very blind position’

The highest ranking woman in the Anglican communion has said climate denial is a “blind” and immoral position which rejects God’s gift of knowledge. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church and one of the most powerful women in Christianity, said that climate change was a moral imperative akin to that of the civil rights movement. She said …