Looking at the forces in humanity’s cultural history that have brought us to the dominant worldview that we confront today, and the possibility of another modality for finding deeper meaning in our lives. Jeremy Lent is an research, author and founding president of the Liology Institute, a non profit organization in the San Francisco Bay Area dedicated to fostering a …
Expanding Mind – Being Anarchist – 05.10.18
A conversation with Scottish poet and novelist John Burnside about Henry Miller, the flight from society, sexual braggadocio, folk ballads, Taoism, and his arresting book On Henry Miller: or How to Be an Anarchist (Princeton). Download this episode (right click and save)
Economic Update – Employees vs Employers: Endless Tensions – 04.29.18
Updates on German workers who elect almost half of corporate boards of directors, major US corporations with negative tax rates, Kentucky governor maneuvers against black-lung victims, involuntary part-time employment, epidemic of US evictions, and dangerous long-term use of anti-depressant drugs. Major discussions of economics of socialism and of phony claims of ‘no money’ by state leaders (example: Connecticut). Download this …
Ask The Blood Detective – When Nutrition And Natural Medicine Fails – 04.28.18
Tune in to Dr. Michael Wald‘s next show entitled, When nutrition and natural medicine fails. His riveting conversation goes into the details of common mistakes made by those in the lay public who wish to improve the quality of their lives as naturally as possible. astonishingly, Dr. will also review, mistakes made by healthcare providers but waste people thousands of …
LOA Daily – 04.24.18
Reviewing Walt’s Attendance at the Abraham Workshop on Saturday Instead of talking about The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham as planned, Wendy and Walt talked about Walt’s experience at Saturday’s Abraham workshop that he and Louise attended in Greenwich. Download this episode (right click and save)
Ask The Blood Detective – Hormones 101 – 04.21.18
Hormones 101 by Dr. Michael Wald, the blood detective and host of, Ask the Blooddetective, is a must-listen. Dr. WALD eloquently describes a variety of hormones and how what you eat, nutritional supplements and other lifestyle factors affect your hormones for better and for worse. Dr. WALD is supervisor of nutrition at integrated nutrition of Mount Kisco located one hour …
The Gary Null Show – 04.16.18
Today is April 16th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. In this episode Gary plays some clips for Tucker Carlson that really inspired him. Speaking of inspiration Gary just wrapped up week 1 of his retreat where you’ll hear some of the changes people have …
Expat Files – 04.15.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #751- SUN, APR 15- (04-15-2018): #1- The brutal truth about persistent bad smells in so many Latin restaurant restrooms and Latin bathrooms: Some smells will knock you over though most Latinos don’t seem to mind or even notice them. That’s just another something gringos and expats never seem to get used to- why should we? Problem …
Energy Stew – Mas Sajady will talk about our truest selves – 30.30.18
Every day we get a taste of how real life is and how complicated. It’s a difficult path for us all and we need to find the strongest part of our selves. This will be a very deep interview with Mas Sajady about being true to your path and believing in your deeper self no matter what you’re opposing. This …
Expat Files – 03.25.18
Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #745- SUN, MAR 25- (03-25-2018): #1- TWENTY SOLID reasons why I DO NOT recommend Mexico for anything but the occasional all-inclusive sun and fun resort package deal I know, I know, we’ve been down this twisted road before but today we’ll be going into much greater detail. This discussion’s for those of you who refuse to …