Normally, when a country is hit by an act of terrorism, there is universal sympathy even if the country has engaged in actions that may have made it a target of the terrorists. After 9/11, for instance, any discussion of whether U.S. violent meddling in the Middle East may have precipitated the attack was ruled out of the public debate. …
Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 11.30.15
1) It’s Up to Us Alone -All-Star Banned Radio Play features Israeli-Palestinian love affair (starring Ed Asner, Eric Roberts)
2) Oz’s WWII “Munchkin” Warrior- Last living Oz Munchkin tells of heroic WWII secret “little person’s” mission
Glen Ford – Israelis – Not Muslims – Cheered in Jersey City on 9/11
“By making only a partial correction of Donald Trump’s prevarication, the corporate media were telling their own lie about what happened on 9/11.” The corporate media don’t like Donald Trump. They used to like him a lot; in fact, Big Business Media are responsible for making this minor multi-millionaire into a household name. But Trump is on their hit list, …
Tyler Durden – US Congresswoman Introduces Bill To Stop “Illegal” War On Assad; Says CIA Ops Must Stop
Last month, US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard went on CNN and laid bare Washington’s Syria strategy. In a remarkably candid interview with Wolf Blitzer, Gabbard calls Washington’s effort to oust Assad “counterproductive” and “illegal” before taking it a step further and accusing the CIA of arming the very same terrorists who The White House insists are “sworn enemies.” In short, Gabbard …
Leid Stories – 11.11.15
On Veterans Day, A Reminder of Our Shared Duty
On April 4, 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a keynote address at Riverside Church in New York City “to make a passionate plea to my beloved nation,” he said. Ending the Vietnam War was at front and center of that plea, as was a list of domestic social-justice issues that persisted because of it.
On this day, as the nation observes Veterans Day, Leid Stories recalls the admonitions of Dr. King about war and the consequence of war, and our shared duty to check through civic action the propensities of the government to recklessly engage in war.
Energy Stew – Alan Roth – 11.06.15
It looks like Vitamin D is more valuable than previously understood. You’ll want to learn the details so you’ll know how much you need and all that it can do for you.
The scientist I’m interviewing is my brother, Alan Roth, and he has found amazing evidence of its important properties. You probably haven’t heard that hospitals using it are saving many lives.
How many lives might you save just by telling people about it?
Vitamin D is measured in thousands of International Units and to many the idea of taking thousands of anything can cause concern. It even worries doctors who recommend it. On the show you’ll learn why these extreme numbers were created.
Lawrence S. Wittner – Why Tuition-Free College Makes Sense
The issue of making college tuition-free has recently come to the fore in American politics, largely because the two leading contenders for the Democratic presidential nomination, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, have each championed it. Sanders has called for free undergraduate tuition at public colleges and universities, to be financed by a tax on Wall Street speculation, while Clinton has done the same, although …
Energy Stew – Susan Stiffelman – 10.30.15
The journey of parenting can be overwhelming and most of us were very surprised how big a learning curve it became once our cute little darlings arrived.
There’s so much we can be unprepared about and it sure helps to have some expert advice. Susan Stiffelman has been writing and teaching about the intricacies to become better parents no matter what age our children are.
Her recent book, “Parenting with Presence” is packed with wonderful strategies and advice from someone who really understands the difficulties. Be sure to tune in and gain some valuable insights for better parenting.
Greg Guma – Is a Progressive -Libertarian Movement Possible in the USA?
When was the last time a politician came across like the lone voice of principle railing against the dangers of an imperial presidency? That’s what it looked in Spring 2011 when Ron Paul, the Texas libertarian running for the Republican presidential nomination, wrote candidly about the War Powers Resolution, the Patriot Act and mission creep after 9/11. The column was …
Leid Stories – 10.29.15
Whip, Lash: Mainstream Media Gets Outed at Republican Q&A History Redacted: CNN Assists in Tony Blair’s Cleanup on Iraq Invasion A clear winner in the third two-tiered Q&A session (erroneously called a “debate”) Republican presidential candidates had last night was a point made about the role of the media (“liberal” media, two panelists claimed) in shaping coverage and influencing public …