It’s entertaining to watch and to read reports in the corporate media about the current stock market decline, which over the course of the last six business days erased $2.1 trillion in the market value of stocks of publicly-traded US corporations (and in a lot of ordinary Americans’ retirement savings). CNN, in an article on Wednesday, had a piece on …
Ronnie Cummins – Regeneration: Global Transformation in Catastrophic Times
Where profits alone count, there can be no thinking about the rhythms of nature, its phases of decay and regeneration, or the complexity of ecosystems which may be gravely upset by human intervention…. It is not enough to balance, in the medium term, the protection of nature with financial gain, or the preservation of the environment with progress. Halfway measures …
David Sirota – More 2016 Candidates Embrace the Donald Trump Zeitgeist … Including Hillary Clinton
Since announcing his 2016 White House bid, Donald Trump has been the central focus of the campaign—by one estimate, he has garnered almost 40 percent of all election coverage on the network newscasts. Clearly, The Donald’s attempt to turn 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. into Trump White House has attracted so much attention because the candidate is seen as a Bulworthesque carnival …
Greg Richter – Trump: I Would Consider Palin for Post in My Administration
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump says he would consider former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin for his administration if he wins the White House. Appearing Monday on “The Palin Update with Kevin Scholla” on Mama Grizzly Radio, Trump was asked whether he might seek Palin’s advice as president, or even have her in his administration in an official capacity. “I’d love …
Varoufakis: Troika Forced Syriza Into Choice Between ‘Suicide or Execution’ – Lauren McCauley
In his first international television interview since stepping down from his post as Greek Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis told CNN‘s Christiane Amanpour on Monday that European lenders had forced his government to make a choice between “suicide or execution.” After five months of rigorous negotiations, the outspoken Varoufakis stepped down from his post the night of the Greek referendum. And despite voting against the …
The US Was Forced to Negotiate with Iran Because of Changing Global Circumstances – Mahdi Darius NAZEMROAYA
Speaking from Charlottesville, US celebrity billionaire and presidential hopeful Donald Trump lamented that US President Barack Obama «dealt from desperation» while drafting a final nuclear agreement with Iran in Vienna. Trump had it partially right, but he also had it partially wrong too. It was not that the Obama Administration was desperate per se as Trump lambasted. It is that …
Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Involved in Chattanooga Shooting Narrative By Prof. James F. Tracy
News reports of the July 16 shootings in Chattanooga Tennessee already provide some curious features that warrant close scrutiny. Perhaps unsurprisingly, complete oversight of the shooting investigation has been turned over to the FBI. Also, the Israeli-linked SITE Intelligence Group is involved in providing the news frame for alleged shooter Muhammed Youssef Abdulazeez. For over a decade now the FBI …
When a Black Swan Flies Over Wall Street’s House of Cards By Jerry Kroth
A black swan is Wall Street lexicon for an unpredicted event. The author of that concept, Nassim Taleb, opines that most of the major moves in stock market history originated as black swan events coming out of nowhere, with a random, stochastic disorderliness that pushes markets into wild gyrations and implosion. But subliminally, everyday, CNBC and Bloomberg market mavens reassure …
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: the Totalitarian End-game of the Global Elite By Dr. Gary G. Kohls
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) – a global corporate noose around U.S. local, state, and national sovereignty – narrowly passed a major procedural hurdle in the Congress by gaining “fast track” status. … “fast track” is a euphemism for your members of Congress … handcuffing themselves, so as to prevent any amendments or adequate debate before the final vote … TPP …
Crying Wolf? Impending Global Financial Collapse Will Change the World Order By Bill Holter
Worse than any disease or even leprosy, anyone spouting Austrian economics or even “common sense” (almost extinct today) has been shoved into the outcast corner by the mass delusional majority. Over the last few years, “theory after theory” has become fact after FACT afterFACT! There can no longer be any question, conspiracy to delude and defraud has run rampant and is a …