Jamie McIntyre is a Washington, D.C.-based journalist for Al Jazeera America. Jamie joined Al Jazeera America from NPR, where he served as a newscaster for “All Things Considered.” Prior to that, James was the Senior Pentagon correspondent for CNN. You can find Al Jazeera America in southern California on Time Warner Channel 445, AT&T U-Verse 1219, DirecTV 347 and Dish Channel …
FBI Spied ‘Beyond Its Authority’ on Keystone XL Opponents – Nadia Prupis
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) broke its own internal rules when it spied on Keystone XL opponents in Texas, violating guidelines designed to prevent the agency from becoming overly involved in complex political issues, a new report by the Guardian and Earth Island Journal published Tuesday hasrevealed. Internal documents acquired by the outlets through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show how …
Analysis Finds 50 Percent of All Fox News Statements Are FALSE – Amanda Froelich
A recently released analysis by PunditFact revealed that out of every statement made by a Fox News host or guest, over half of them were completely false. What’s more, only 8% percent could even be considered “completely true.” But for anyone who regularly tunes into the conservative news show, such revelation is nothing new. PunditFact only confirmed what many have been aware of for a while now: Fox …
Why mandate vaccines? – Pat Robinson
Today I saw that presidential candidate Ben Carson has a strident vaccine stance. Until today, Ben Carson was the CEO of a cancer vaccine company Vaccinogen. Dr. Carson: No religious exemptions for vaccinations (CNN). The medical study, Measles Virus for Cancer Vaccines, discusses the complexity of creating cancer vaccines usingvarious virus, bacteria and and GMO-virus in vaccines. “A personalized disease like cancer requires a personalized weapon,” Carson wrote …
Obama’s ‘Openness’ and Deceit – Robert Parry
In disclosing the deaths of two Western hostages in a U.S. drone strike on an Al-Qaeda compound, President Barack Obama said on Thursday that he had ordered the declassification of the secret operation because “the United States is a democracy committed to openness in good times and in bad.” But the reality of the past six years has been that his administration …
Obama Is Poised to Give GMO and Meat Companies Something They’ve Always Wanted -Tom Philpott
President Obama and his Senate GOP critics are locked in a long-simmering feud, but there’s one topic that has them clasping hands and singing kumbaya: global free-trade deals. The erstwhile foes are joining forces to push two massive ones: the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which would knock down trade barriers for a group of nations including the US, Canada, Chile, Peru, …
How much student testing is too much? – RENEE SCHOOF
If it’s springtime, it must be standardized testing time in schools across the country. It’s also when the debate over whether students are inundated with too many tests becomes hot. Experts say testing is up. Parents who want their children to skip the tests say their ranks are growing. Lawmakers say they’re hearing a loud message about too much unnecessary …
National student loan debt reaches a bonkers $1.2 trillion
Kyle Craig wants to go to graduate school, but just being an undergraduate is already drowning him in debt. “I’ve got student loans just like everyone else walking around,” says Craig, a senior at Old Dominion University. “I expect my debt to be around $30,000 by the time I’m done here.” “Yes, I have student loans,” says Kyle Coghill, a …
Afghanistan’s changing of the guard: ISIS recruits in Taliban territory
By Nick Paton Walsh, CNN Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN)The flag is crude, handmade, but the message is clear — allegiance to ISIS in Afghanistan. And the timing — with America withdrawing, the Taliban fractured, young men disillusioned and angry — could not be worse. A group of fighters in Afghanistan agreed to be filmed by a CNN cameraman parading their ISIS …
Lumber Liquidators in trouble over this chemical found in flooring, but CDC wants to inject your children with it
Lumber Liquidators has made headlines recently, but it’s not because of some mega clearance sale or feel-good promotion. Rather, they were selling flooring that contained a toxic chemical known to jeopardize people’s health — formaldehyde. Worse, they were making false claims about this, saying that the Chinese-made laminate flooring they were supplying fell within state and federal formaldehyde limits. In …