Leid Stories—The Obama-Trump Cause and Effect—03.16.17

With the spotlight shining bright—and not in a good way—on President Donald Trump and the missteps of his embattled administration, the misdeeds and shortfalls President Barack Obama and his administration seem to have been put in the ash can of history, as though they have nothing to do with the severity of domestic and foreign policies Trump espouses and is seeking to enact.
Today we explore the question: In what ways did Obama and his administration trigger the backlash we see now in Trump and the rise of his so-called “populist” agenda?

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.15.17

The Conspiracy Guy #16: A series of developments in relation to the Middle East raise concerns that the neocons are firmly in control of the Trump foreign policy agenda, including saving two ISIS leaders traded in Mosul, a 432% increase in drone strikes, and the Pentagon’s absurd declaration that Iran is “the greatest security threat in the Middle East” and warning signs that Donald’s promise to end these foreign entanglements may not be the case. The ongoing Wikileaks revelations make the case for CIA surveillance of Trump and faking “Russian hacking” overwhelming, where even leading Democrats connected to the Senate Intelligence Committee admit they have no expectation of evidence that ties the Trump campaign to Russian interference. Even Noam Chomsky tweets, “World is Laughing at claims Russia Hacked Election”. IWB (Investors Watch Blog) has published some 50 “fake news” stories on CNN alone, which confirms Wikileaks information about the mainstream media under the control of the CIA. The knowledge that the CIA can seize control of your vehicle and thereby commit a vehicular assassination sheds light on the death of Michael Hastings, who appears to have been among the first of its targets. Trump continues to shake up Washington, as a recent TIME magazine cover reflects.

NEW SHOW ALERT: The Conspiracy Guy – 03.01.17

he Conspiracy Guy #14: Donald Trumps first speech to Congress hit it out of the park. Even CNN had to acknowledge its tremendous positive reception by the public, with 57% reacting “very positive” and another 21% “somewhat positive”, with only 21% “negative”. His introduction of a program to assist victims of crime committed by immigrants was characterized as a recipe for “genocide”, which is simply absurd. The news stories that his Chief of Staff had asked the FBI to shoot down stories about RussiaGate ignored that the Deputy Director of the FBI told Reince Priebus that reports in The New York Times were “complete bullshit”. Attempts to portray Trump as “out of touch with reality” are refuted by case after case where he was right and the press was wrong, including terrorists mingling with refugees, the Obama “birther” issue, Rafael Cruz in Ne Orleans with Lee Harvey Oswald, fraudulent votes cast in the 2016 election, that Obamacare is costing twice as much for half as much, and the dramatic increase of rapes in Sweden caused by the influx of immigrants. More recent revelations confirm that PizzaGate has been a mechanism for controlling politicians through blackmail conducted by the CIA and the Mossad, whose power over Congress will be dramatically lessened as Trump moves forward to “drain the swamp”.

Trends This Week – Trends Journal predictions for a Trump administration – 03.01.17

Global forecaster Gerald Celente has released his first quarter Trends Journal for 2017. From details on how and why Donald Trump won the White House to economic, political, and social trends that will unfold throughout 2017, Celente and Trends Research Institute analysts forecast History Before it Happens®. This one is a must read. Learn more at Trendsresearch.com.

What Women Must Know – Cough Cures: The Best Natural Solutions for Acute and Chronic Coughs with Dr. Gustavo Ferrer – 02.16.17

Dr. Gustavo Ferrer was trained in Pulomnary Medicine in both Cuba and the U.S. He worked with the United Nations University in South America and led his fellowship training from George Washington University. He later founded the Chronic Cough CEnter at Cleveland Clinic Florida. As part of the National Hispanic Medical Association, Dr. Ferrer went to a White House briefing to discuss the Affordable Care Act.

Connect The Dots – Lauren Steiner, the former leader of LA for Bernie and the host of the the YouTube program, “The Robust Opposition,” – 02.08.17

Listen to Lauren Steiner, the former leader of LA for Bernie and the host of the  the YouTube program, “The Robust Opposition,” will discuss the most productive ways to move ahead with grass roots activism in 2017, a few  “good” surprises ahead — in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.   Download this episode (right click and save)