Say Goodbye to Medical Curcumin!

The FDA continues its war on the compounding of custom medications by eliminating even more dietary ingredients. Action Alert!  Curcumin is the most important ingredient of the Indian herb turmeric. You probably have it in your kitchen as a yellow spice. From a health standpoint, this herb is a miracle. It is tremendously anti-inflammatory and has so many health benefits it …

Interview with Dana Gunders, staff scientist at NRDC (Natural Resource Defense Council) – 11.05.15

I will be interviewing Dana Gunders, a Staff Scientist at the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) and author of a new book called, Waste-Free Kitchen Handbook, where she shares her knowledge and many tips on ways to reduce ones food waste. Dana’s focus at the NRDC is on Food and Agriculture, especially when it comes to reducing food waste. She is the author of a widely distributed report “Wasted: How America is Losing Up to 40% of Its Food from Farm to Fork to Landfill”. She also recently co-authored a report called, The Dating Game, revealing how confusing food dates lead to food waste in America. Her work on food waste has been featured by CNN, NBC, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR, and many other outlets. Please join me on Thursday, as Dana shares her expertise with us, and helps guide us on ways to reduce our food waste.

Interview with Clara Lyle from Outstanding in the Field – 10.29.15

Today’s guest is Clara Lyle, the primary photographer and blog writer for Outstanding in the Field. Back in the summer of 1999, Jim Denevan came up with the idea of setting a long table on a farm and inviting the public to an open-air feast in celebration of the farmer and the gifts of the land. It would be a traveling …

Surprising medicinal uses for lavender oil by Michael Ravensthorpe

The lavender plant, which is native to the Old World and is characterized by its beautiful hues and invigorating fragrance, has been used for more than 2,500 years as a cosmetic aid. The ancient Egyptians and Phoenicians, for instance, would use lavender as a natural perfume. The Romans loved to use lavender to scent their baths (in fact, lavender is derived from …

The Health Power of Coconuts

Anyone remember the 1994 exposé of movie theater popcorn? This cinema staple, known for its delicious taste and aroma, had been consumed for years by a public blissfully unaware of the fact that it was loaded with demonized saturated fat. Movie theatre popcorn was (gasp) popped in coconut oil, an “evil” tropical fat that had no place in a healthy diet. …

Coconut Water: A New Alzheimer’s Disease Treatment? – Sayer Ji, Founder

Unlike conventional drug treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, coconut oil and water may help resolve some of the root causes of neurodegenerative conditions.  Have you ever noticed that sometimes a food that nourish a particular organ often look uncannily similar to it? For instance, the walnut shell and bi-hemispheric flesh look awfully like the skull and brain it is now known …

4 Oils To Avoid And The Healthiest Oil That Research Proves Does Wonders For Your Belly Fat and Health

It may sound too good to be true, food manufacturers don’t want you to know about, but we promise you and research proves coconut oil can do wonders for your health! Millions of people across America (not to mention worldwide) struggle with stubborn abdominal fat, which can be difficult to shed even when a healthy lifestyle is adopted. Not only …

Coconut Oil Pulling Superior to Chemicals for Oral Health

Swishing your mouth out with coconut oil may be a more effective and safer alternative to chemical mouthwashes, according to new research.  A new study has proven for the first time that the oral use of coconut oil is effective in reducing plaque related to gingivitis, a common form of inflammation in the gum tissue of the mouth that occurs …

Is This Cooking Mistake Causing Premature Aging?

The fat you choose to use in cooking can make the difference between a meal that supports health and a meal that throws off free radicals (thought to be a primary cause of the degeneration we refer to as aging). The higher the cooking heat, the more likely you are to be bombarded with free radicals, set off by breaks in fatty …