Nature Bats Last – 08.25.15

John Zerzan has been active in anarchist circles for some time and has done his weekly Anarchy Radio broadcasts for the past 15 years. Books are Elements of Refusal, Future Primitive, Running on Emptiness, Against Civilization, Twilight of the Machines, and Future Primitive Revisited. This fall his Why Hope? will appear. He’s spoken widely since 2001 from an anarcho-primitivist/green anarchy/civilization critique perspective.

Whatever Happened to the Proletariat? by DAVID ROSEN

The Left Forum was held in New York on the May 29th-31st weekend and thousands attended.  It offered numerous panels led by academics, activists and independent thinkers of every strip as well as film screenings and public plenaries.  Everyone ran into someone they knew from a past life or started a new friendship.  While a lot of grey-haired veterans of the …

Water, Capitalism and Catastrophism – LOUIS PROYECT

Two films concerned with water and environmental activism arrive in New York this week. “Groundswell Rising”, which premieres at the Maysles Theater in Harlem today, is about the struggle to safeguard lakes and rivers from fracking while “Revolution”, which opens at the Cinema Village next Wednesday, documents the impact of global warming on the oceans. Taking the holistic view, one …