The brutal presidential election is over and Donald Trump is the last person standing, having defied intimidating odds that he could/should/would be president.
Hillary Clinton’s hopes of making first-woman-president history are history. She now faces an avalanche of legal troubles that might have been kept at bay with a presidential win and with the Democrats controlling the House and Senate. The Republicans shut those doors, too.
Leid Stories continues our discussion on coming to a point of reckoning about the lopsided power equation between social, political and economic systems of control over the people and ways in which we aid and abet them
Leid Stories—The Results Are In. We Lose, No Matter Who Wins—11.08.16
It’s The Big Day. The duopoly’s big day. The Republican and Democratic parties, after all, do dominate the orchestrated contests for the White House, the U.S. Congress, 44 state legislatures; 12 governorships, seven big-city mayoralties, and a slew of important local offices.
Glenn Greenwald – Three New Scandals Show How Pervasive and Dangerous Mass Surveillance Is in the West, Vindicating Snowden
WHILE MOST EYES are focused on the presidential race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, three major events prove how widespread, and dangerous, mass surveillance has become in the West. Standing alone, each event highlights exactly the severe threats that motivated Edward Snowden to blow his whistle; taken together, they constitute full-scale vindication of everything he’s done. Earlier this month, a special …
Jefferey Jaxen – WIKILEAKS Releases: A Vote For Clinton Is A Vote For Big Pharma & Mandatory Vaccination
Hillary Clinton has made little attempt to play politics or engage in double speak on the topic of vaccinations. In the world of healthcare, medicine and parenting no other topic symbolizes the hot button nature of health freedom and medical choice vaccination represents. Amidst the bickering of fabricated issues and discussions of little or no importance to the public, the presidential debates …
Black Agenda Radio – 09.12.16
Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host, Nellie Bailey. Coming up: vice presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka say the Green Party will fight for the rights of all oppressed people; Blacks in Ferguson, Missouri, suspect the cops are behind the killing of a young activist; and, Blacks in Colombia …
Black Agenda Radio – 09.05.16
20th Anniversary of Clinton’s War Against the Poor
It’s been 20 years since President Bill Clinton and the U.S. Congress destroyed “welfare as we knew it” by replacing Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) with the “workfare” regime called Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). The result, saidMaureen Taylor, chairperson of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization, is growing poverty in the United States. Taylor says TANF should be changed to DANF, standing for “Disappearing Aid for Needy Families.” Residents of Michigan are only eligible for cash assistance for five years in their lifetimes. It’s a shame, said Taylor, how the political class is “turning, not against poverty, but trying to turn the nation against poor folks.”
A Just Cause Radio – Wrongly Convicted And On Death Row – 03.22.15
The host talks with our guest Victoria Redstall, Model, Actress and Advocate for those who are wrongly convicted and on death row. Download this episode (right click and save)