The number of people on food stamps is plummeting at the fastest rate ever after the government made a key change

Fewer and fewer Americans are on food stamps, and the decline is only getting faster. According to Paul Trussell, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, the number of people utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in June 2016 was down 4.7% from the same month a year before, and the number of households using SNAP was down 5.2% year-over-year. …

yler Durden – A Stunning Admission From Deutsche Bank Why A Shock Is Needed To Collapse The Market, And Force A Real Panic

In what may be some of the best, and most lucid, writing on everyone’s favorite topic, namely “what happens next” in the evolution of the financial system, Deutsche Bank’s Dominic Konstam, takes a look at the current dead-end monetary situation, and concludes that in order for the system to transition from the current state of financial repression, which has made a …

Trends This Week – Reasons Behind the Rise of Gold – 08.10.16

Investors, not interested in buying negative-yielding bonds (guaranteed losses if held to maturity) and fearful of speculating in equity markets, have pushed gold prices up over 25 percent this year while pushing gold coin sales for the second quarter up 72 percent year to date. Global master forecaster Gerald Celente tells you why. Learn more at

Peter Koenig – Greece Continues to Be Sucked Dry – and Nobody Stops the “Economic Bloodletting”

How long will this go on? How long will we see the photographs of a Mr. Tsipras and his Finance Minister in despair. Yet the blood-letting continues.  Already new austerity measures are being projected for 2018 – between 5.4 billion EUR asked by Europeans and 9 billion EUR requested by IMF – and the securing of the Greek debt sustainability through …

NORMAN POLLACK – Clinton Incorruptible: An Ideological Contrivance

Goldman got its money’s worth at the Convention, $700k for two speeches, more a promissory note on behalf of the entire Wall Street community for continued support when and if she is elected president. Clinton, an engine of self-promotion that never turns off, makes Trump’s self-promotion infantile, tiresome, and dyspeptic by comparison. A coinciding of personas, public and private, is …

Every Single Bloody Market Is Manipulated!

The Credit Market Is Manipulated Giant American banks said they had to be bailed out or else the American economy would crash. It wasn’t just the $700 billion “Tarp” bailout in 2008. In reality, a large portion of the big banks’ profitscome from taxpayer bailouts and subsidies (see this, this and this). At the same time, the big banks have sat on the money the government threw at them – with …

It’s a Small World at the Top: Which Corporations Control the World?

A surprisingly small number of corporations control massive global market shares. How many of the brands below do you use? It’s a Small World at the Top: Banking Largest banks hold a total of $25.1 trillion:[1] 1.) ICBC, China, $2.95 trillion in assets, over 18,000 outlets, 108 branches globally 2.) HSBC holdings, UK, $2.68 trillion in assets, 6,600 offices in …

5 Major Banks Rigged US $9trn Bond Market: Lawsuit

The Bank of America, Credit Agricole SA, Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, and Nomura Holdings were named as defendants. Five major banks and four traders were sued on Wednesday in a private U.S. lawsuit claiming they conspired to rig prices worldwide in a more than US$9 trillion market for bonds issued by government-linked organizations and agencies. Bank of America Corp , Credit …

Robert Reich – The Third Way: Share-the-Gains Capitalism

Marissa Mayer tells us a lot about why Americans are so angry, and why anti-establishment fury has become the biggest single force in American politics today. Mayer is CEO of Yahoo. Yahoo’s stock lost about a third of its value last year, as the company went from making $7.5 billion in 2014 to losing $4.4 billion in 2015. Yet Mayer raked in $36 …

Deutsche Bank Admits It Rigged Gold Prices, Agrees To Expose Other Manipulators

Well, that didn’t take long. Earlier today when we reported the stunning news that DB has decided to “turn” against the precious metals manipulation cartel by first settling a long-running silver price fixing lawsuit which in addition to “valuable monetary consideration” said it would expose the other banks’ rigging having also “agreed to provide cooperation to plaintiffs, including the production of instant …