Progressive Commentary Hour – 03.28.18

In depth look at Propaganda and Censorship of alternative media and the internet, and the history of the government’s use of the media as a weapon against democracy and citizens  Prof Mark Crispin Miller is a professor of media, culture and communications at New York University where he specializes in modern propaganda, history of advertising, film and the major media.  He is …

Ask Beatty – 03.26.18

LET’S TALK ABOUT EXTRAMARITAL AFFAIRS   Beatty talked about the incidence of extramarital affairs and the reasons why people CHEAT. What should women and men do if they discover that their spouse is having an affair? Can marriages survive an affair? Tune in to a show that will hopefully answer  most if not all of your questions about extramarital affairs. …

Leid Stories—Under the Gun, A New Generation of Leadership Emerges—03.26.18

Saturday, March 24, 2018 was a historic day. More than 2 million people in 830 cities across the United States—and tens of thousands more in cities all over the world—staged a coordinated populist protest demanding aggressive government action in closing loopholes in gun-sales laws and more strictly regulating gun ownership. The protest, themed “March for Our Lives,” brought together several …

Black Agenda Radio – 03.26.18

Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: The U.S. Senate voted down a bill, sponsored by Bernie Sanders, that would have ended U.S. participation in the war against Yemen: activists gathered, in New York City, to explore ways to end the U.S. governement war …

The Torch – 03.26.18

Kasia Malinowska is the director of the Global Drug Policy Program at the Open Society Foundations, which promotes drug policies rooted in human rights, social justice, and public health. She speaks to President Donald Trump’s call for the death penalty for drug users and how Trump is blocking further progress toward real drug reform. Paul Stanford is the founder of The …

Meria Heller – Awaken with Meria and Monnica – 03.25.18

Awaken with Meria and Monnica. Todays topic is past lives. the frequencies hitting all of us now;releasing old emotional issues that express in illness; is it now or then? color therapy;moving water;releasing techniques;past lives and phobias;imprinting;bleedovers;clues to past lives;how to observe without emotional attachment;future life progressions;always in 2 places at once;parallel lives;FEAR-false evidence appearing real;”Today I choose to love”; healing your present through your …

The Plutocracy Report – 03.23.18

The Plutocracy Report 3\23\18 In this show Vince starts with an angry commentary about our skies. Then he talks about solving problems by looking at things from a different mindset, as he touches on creating a new currency, Fukushima, and the gulf oil spill disaster. Next he plays a song by Roger Waters that he connects to Israeli oppression over …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.22.18

A NEW ERA OF ELECTION PROTECTION comes to Solartopia with three great experts. JOHN BRAKEY has been stumping the nation inspecting voting machines and advocating for paper ballots counted electronically, with a ballot image stored in the machines.  Simultaneously a paper ballot is produced and stored for verification. He’s been joined in advocating this technology by TIM WHITE, long-time election …

Expanding Mind – They Shimmer Within – 03.22.18

A conversation with artist and independent scholar Bruce Rimell about psychedelic entities, evolutionary module of cognition, Visionary Humanism, and his meaty new book They Shimmer Within: Cognitive-Evolutionary Perspectives on Visionary Beings. Download this episode (right click and save)