Dr. Rasmus looks at the forces pumping up US stocks, especially Tech stocks and S&P500, and the emerging counter forces that may soon prevail to send US stock markets into another major correction. Forces driving the bubble are continuing record stock buybacks and dividend payouts, and now record levels of merger & acquisitions (up 67% in 2018 and $1.2 trillion) …
Alternative Visions – The Rising Wages Myth + Trump’s Recession 2019? – 02.16.18
Dr. Rasmus debunks the media hype about wages now rising, showing how in fact real weekly earnings for non-management workers (both full and part time) over the past year amounts to only 6 cents to 8 cents per hour, based even on government Dept. of Labor data. And the trend is downward, as wage(hourly wage x hours worked) earnings change …
Economic Update – “Real Economic Journalism” – 02.19.17
Updates on stock market bounce, Swiss voters stop corporate tax giveaway, why public are better than private schools, billionaires party
Hard interview with investigative reporter Bob Hennelly on immigration and more.”
Pam Martens and Russ Martens – Donald Trump Has a Goldman Sachs Problem: Derivatives
In the midst of being skewered across media outlets yesterday for his chaotic rollout of an Executive Order that appeared to target Muslims, including those legally living in the U.S. as businessmen, doctors, university faculty and students — who were initially denied reentry after travel abroad — President Donald Trump tried desperately to change the subject. Following a plunge of …
Michael Krieger – Donald Trump Has an Enormous and Very Dangerous Wall Street Blind Spot
The biggest disappointment regarding Donald Trump since being elected President has been his total embrace of dangerous Wall Street thieves. As it is currently structured and incentivized, the financial services industry represents one of the most destructive and least beneficial forces within the U.S. economy. It is essentially a parasitic industry. Unfortunately, Trump didn’t merely pick one or two competent finance guys to …
Annie Machon – The West’s Shift Toward Repression
Forgive my “infamously fluent French” but the phrase “pour encourager les autres” – a reference to executing one powerful person to send a message to others – seems to have lost its famously ironic quality. It seems that the U.S. government is globally paying big bucks to people to encourage them to expose the crimes of their employers, but only …
`It’s All About Food – Robert Grillo, Farm To Fable – 11.09.16
Robert Grillo is an activist, author and speaker. He is the director of Free from Harm, which he founded in 2009 to expose animal agriculture’s impact on non human animals, vulnerable communities and the environment. As a marketing communications professional for over twenty years, Grillo has worked on large food industry accounts through which he acquired a behind-the-scenes perspective on food branding and marketing. Farm to Fable is his first book. He lives in Chicago. For more information, please visit: http://www.freefromharm.org.
Charles Hugh Smith – A Psychiatric Diagnosis of the U.S. Market: Schizophrenic Disconnect From Reality
If you think a delusional market is healthy, it’s time for a psychiatric exam. What diagnosis would an experienced psychiatrist offer when presented with the bizarre behavior of the U.S. stock market? We assume that the wild mood swings of greed and fear are “normal” for markets devoted to short-term profit and speculation, but the stock market’s disconnect from reality is …
Economic Update – “Economics for Labor Day” – 09.11.16
“Updates on dark money, Mylan drug scandal, air lines concentrating, capitalism and poor countries (India, China). On Labor Day: key facts, struggles, and issues.” Download this episode (right click and save)
Michael Snyder – The Percentage Of Working Age Men That Do Not Have A Job Is Similar To The Great Depression
Why are so many men in their prime working years unemployed? The Obama administration would have us believe that unemployment is low in this country, but that is not true at all. In fact, one author quoted by NPR says that “it’s kind of worse than it was in the depression in 1940″. Most Americans don’t realize this, but more men from …