ROBERT HUNZIKER – Healthcare’s Neoliberal Death Warrant

Neoliberalism’s mantra of “privatizing everything in sight” and elimination, or cutbacks, of governmental programs, aka: austerity, especially public healthcare, is a death warrant for millions, maybe more than millions! Sure-fire, whenever private interests take control, or cut funding for public welfare programs, similar to what Democratic and Republican neoliberal advocates have consistently advocated ever since the 1980s, all hell breaks …

Narayana Kocherlakota – The Rich Are Different, and It Matters

Inequality in the U.S. depends on how you look at it: Some groups of rich households, for example, have fared much differently than others. Such nuances are crucial in understanding the phenomenon — and what policy makers should do about it. Let’s start by focusing on the income of the top 1 percent of Americans, compared to that of the top 10 …

Vincent Di Stefano – The Devil’s Century

Our present generation is living out of the spiritually vacuous philosophies of modernism and post-modernism, the cancerous ideologies of free-market economics and unrestrained economic growth, and the corporate and political tyrannies that have nurtured an energised ethos of transience. The triumphalism of modernity has effectively wiped from our collective memories a coherent view of just what has gone down in …

AMBROSE EVANS-PRITCHARD – Italy must choose between the euro and its own economic survival

Italy is running out of economic time.  Seven years into an ageing global expansion, the country is still stuck in debt-deflation and still grappling with a banking crisis that it cannot combat within the paralyzing constraints of monetary union. “We have lost nine percentage points of GDP since the peak of the crisis, and a quarter of our industrial production,” …

Jack Rasmus – Is the US Economy Heading for Recession?

Progressive Radio Network, May 01, 2016 This past week the U.S. government announced the country’s economy rose in the January-March 2016 at a mere 0.5 percent annual growth rate. Since the U.S., unlike other countries, estimates its GDP based on annual rates, that means for the first quarter 2016 the U.S. economy grew by barely 0.1 percent over the previous …

The Real Story Behind The True Magnitude Of The New Home Sales Collapse

Comparing the growth in the number of full time jobs versus the growth in new home sales starkly illustrates both the horrible quality of the new jobs, and how badly ZIRP has served the US economy. Growth in new home sales has always been dependent on growth in full time jobs. For 38 years until the housing bubble peaked in 2006, home sales …

Nathan Halverson – The world already would be out of water if everyone ate like Americans

If the rest of the world ate like Americans, the planet would have run out of freshwater 15 years ago, according to the world’s largest food company. In private, Nestle executives told U.S. officials that the world is on a collision course with doom because Americans eat too much meat, and now, other countries are following suit, according to a secret …

Barry Grey – IMF downgrades growth projections, warns of “synchronized slowdown”

The International Monetary Fund’s “World Economic Outlook” (WEO), released Tuesday in advance of this week’s semiannual meetings in Washington of the IMF and World Bank, gives a gloomy and fraught estimate of the state of the world economy, nearly eight years after the 2008 financial meltdown. The IMF has again downwardly revised its projection for global growth, the fourth straight …

Climate Change Puts Trillions of Dollars of Assets at Risk: Study

Trillions of dollars of non-bank financial assets around the world are vulnerable to the effects of global warming, according to a study on Mondaythat says tougher action to curb greenhouse gas emissions makes sense for investors. Rising temperatures and the dislocation caused by related droughts, floods and heatwaves will slow global economic growth and damage the performance of stocks and bonds, …

Jacopo Simonetta – The other side of the global crisis: entropy and the collapse of civilizations

When we discuss the impending crisis of our civilisation, we mainly look at the resources our economy need in a growing quantity. And we explain why the Diminishing Returns of resource exploitation pose a growing burden on the possibility of a further growing of the global economy. It is a very interesting topic, indeed, but here I suggest to turn …