The Conspiracy Guy – 05.25.17

The Conspiracy Guy Show #26: The Manchester “false flag”, among the most recent of them all, appears to have been calculated to stem falling support for Theresa May, the PM, who called an election abruptly in the hope of fending off growing support for the Labor Party and Its leader, Jeremy Corbyn. More surprisingly, the purported “car crash” in Times …

Glenn Greenwald – The Deceptive Debate Over What Causes Terrorism Against the West

Ever since members of the U.K. Labour Party in September elected Jeremy Corbyn as party leader by a landslide, British political and media elites have acted as though their stately manors have been invaded by hordes of gauche, marauding serfs. They have waged a relentless and undisguised war to undermine Corbyn in every way possible, and that includes — first and foremost …

Chris Floyd – Dung Bettles: Pope Denounces Davos Dominionists

*This is an edited version of my latest Counterpunch Magazine column.*  We are living in a world gone through the looking glass when the most strident, unequivocal — even scatological! — denunciations of capitalism and its discontents are coming from … the Bishop of Rome. While Bernie Sanders pushes centrist notions as “radical” reforms and Britain’s so-called Labour Party tries …

Britain – No longer “Great” but Doomed to Another Five Years of Pain and “Austerity” – Lesley Docksey

My heart bleeds, my soul is sick and my land is broken and dying.  How else can I describe how I felt when I learnt that the dis-United Kingdom was back in the greedy and unfeeling grasp of the ‘nasty’ party, the Conservatives.  I was not alone. “I was quite happy this morning – until I saw a newspaper on …

Farewell to the United Kingdom – TARIQ ALI

The British General election was dramatic. On the superficial level because three party leaders— Miliband (Labour), Nick Clegg (Liberal-Democrat) and Nigel Farage (UKIP—a racist, right-wing populist outfit)…resigned on the day following the Conservative victory. On a more fundamental level because the Scottish National Party took virtually all the Scottish seats (56 of 59) wiping out Labour as a political force …

The Potentate Of Prague — How the War Party in Washington is Losing Eastern Europe, Hillary Clinton Too – John Helmer

Andrej Babis is the one of the wealthiest men in eastern Europe — if you bite bread, read a newspaper, fill your car with fuel, or put fertilizer on your window box in Prague, chances are you owe Babis money. He is also Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, Finance Minister, and candidate to become the next Czech President. …

Biotech Corporate Propaganda: The Campaign against GMOs “Condemns Billions to Hunger and Poverty”

Speaking last week in Pretoria, former UK Environment Minister Owen Paterson described critics of GMOs as comprising part of a privileged class that increasingly fetishizes food and seeks to turn their personal preferences into policy proscriptions for the rest of us. He called them backward-looking and regressive. He claimed their policies would condemn billions to hunger, poverty and underdevelopment because …