What Is the Government Doing Today About Which We Know Nothing? Continuing our exploration of secret government experiments on American citizens, we now re-publish an article I wrote in 1999 about the CIA and LSD experiments. That article was originally commissioned by the New York Times Magazine, which opted in the end not to publish it. Instead, it appeared in …
The Gary Null Show – 05.25.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, these great topics are covered and Gary talks to a great guest, Charles Glass. Listen and read please.
Primary prevention of colorectal cancer
Exercise: Future anticancer therapy?
Poverty marks a gene, predicting depression
Bright light during meals affects metabolism, lowers effect of insulin
Gary takes a quick music break for this jam: Teddy Pendergrass – I Don’t Love You Anymore
What happens when water for 30 million people disappears?
Gary then goes to his wonderful guest Charles Glass. Here is his bio:
Charles Glass is an American-British journalist and broadcaster who is highly respected internationally for his investigative reporting from the Middle East. For a decade starting in 1983, he was ABC’s chief Middle East correspondent and worked with CNN and ABC as well. His articles appear in the Guardian, Time, The Telegraph, Harpers Newsweek and other publications. in 1987, while reporting from Lebanon Charles was kidnapped and held hostage by Shi’a militants for over 2 months. He broke the story of Saddam Hussain possessing biological weapons a year later. His covert reporting in East Timor in 1992 resulted in the US Senate suspending military aid to Indonesia. And he has reported from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq on many occasions. Charles is the author of seven books, his most recent being a very concise history and background into the Syrian crisis entitled “Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe.” His website is CharlesGlass.net
VIDEO: We asked Edward Snowden if online privacy has improved since his massive NSA leak
Edward Snowden calls ‘bullshit’ on FBI’s claim that it can’t unlock iPhone
VIDEO: Robert Reich: Why “Right to Work” is Wrong for Workers – Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains the truth behind so-called “Right to Work” laws and how they hurt working families.
Gary takes calls about people who try to give the American people information the Government doesn’t want you to know.
Ray McGovern – Hillary Clinton’s Damning Emails
A few weeks after leaving office, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton may have breathed a sigh of relief and reassurance when Director of National Intelligence James Clapper denied reports of the National Security Agency eavesdropping on Americans. After all, Clinton had been handling official business at the State Department like many Americans do with their personal business, on an unsecured server. …
PEPE ESCOBAR – The Empire of Chaos Strikes Back
Soon after the impeachment motion against President Dilma Rousseff was approved in the Brazilian Congress by what I chose to call Hybrid War hyenas, President-in-Waiting Michel «Brutus» Temer, one of the coup’s articulators, dispatched a senator to Washington as special paperboy to deliver the news on the coup in progress. The senator in question was not on an official mission for …
Snowden Revelations Led to ‘Chilling Effect’ on Pursuit of Knowledge: Study
National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower Edward Snowden’s 2013 mass surveillance revelations caused a drop in website browsing, particularly in internet searches for terms associated with extremism, an example of the most direct evidence yet that the spying operations exposed in the leak had a “chilling effect” on the lawful pursuit of information, an impending report has found. The paper, due to be …
Clinton Email Scandal: Is The State Department Part Of A Hillary Cover-Up?
Corruption: The State Department filed a secret court brief in an effort to hide tens of thousands of Hillary Clinton’s emails. What is in those emails that the State Department wants to cover up? If it’s classified material, there are ways to deal with that. Many of her already released emails had classified information redacted. What’s so special about these emails …
Michael Krieger – Swiss Bank Whistleblower Claims Panama Papers Was a CIA Operation
Bradley Birkenfeld is the most significant financial whistleblower of all time, so you might think he’d be cheering on the disclosures in the new Panama Papers leaks. But today, Birkenfeld is raising questions about the source of the information that is shaking political regimes around the world. “The CIA I’m sure is behind this, in my opinion,” Birkenfeld said. – …
Chomsky And Others Put Forward ‘Ideas For Going Forward’ In This Crisis-Ridden World
The world is facing a Titanic moment. Either humanity comes together as one and save the Mother Ship Earth or we go down without a trace! The major crises we face are ecological crisis manifested in global warming/climate change, soil degradation, water crisis, over all environmental damage, war perpetrated by predatory capitalism which could eventually lead to a nuclear winter, …
To many, the anecdote described below will sound far-fetched, and logical minds may suspect that the Vietnam vet in the story created the “incident” himself. But as those who lived through that period may remember, representatives of the covert side of government did far worse — and often. Infiltration, intimidation, framing, and more were all part of the arsenal against …
Glenn Greenwald – A Key Similarity Between Snowden Leak and Panama Papers: Scandal Is What’s Been Legalized
FROM THE START of the reporting based on Edward Snowden’s leaked document archive, government defenders insisted that no illegal behavior was revealed. That was always false: Multiple courts have now found the domestic metadata spying program in violation of the Constitution and relevant statutes and have issued similar rulings for other mass surveillance programs; numerous articles on NSA and GCHQ documented the targeting of people and groups for blatantly political or legally impermissible purposes; and …