The Pentagon Reportedly Concealed Internal Study Revealing It Wasted $125 Billion

President-elect Donald Trump campaigned on the promise that he would increase the Defense Department budget, but could new evidence of fiscal irresponsibility change his policy? Monday, The Washington Post published an investigative report revealing that Pentagon officials purposely buried evidence that it was wasting billions of dollars on its business operations. Craig Whitlock and Bob Woodward write: Pentagon leaders had …

Steven Singer – Democrats Need to Embrace Progressivism or Else Move Out of the Way

Democrats, liberals and progressives of every stripe – you’re not going to want to hear this, but hear it you must. We’ve gone around for too long thinking we’ve got all the answers, but obviously we don’t. Hillary Clinton lost. Donald Trump won. There’s something seriously wrongwith what we’ve been doing to get that kind of result. There are some …


It should be, for any literate person, essentially a truism that Barack Obama and even Hillary Clinton are preferable to Donald Trump, and are also probably preferable to any of the other Republicans who ran for office in 2016. But not by much. Under Obama, we did see some cosmetic reforms to a society in rapid tailspin: The Iran Nuclear …

GARY LEUPP – Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Against Russia

George H. W. Bush’s unsurprising support for Hillary Clinton strengthens the alliance of careful, conniving warmongers (including both neocon and “liberal interventionist” camps), admiring former generals,  middle and upper-class “Clinton Coalition” African-Americans (including clerics and TV commentators like MSNBC’s awful anchor/DNC shill Joy Reid snarling first about Bernie as much as Trump, and now trashing Putin along with Trump), Wall …

Leid Stories—Is There Hope for Third Parties in the U.S. Two-Party World?; The Electoral College: An Impediment to Democracy?—08.25.16

Election 2016 should be the Year of the Third Parties, given the palpable dissatisfaction among voters, building over several years, with both the Democrats and the Republicans. Yet the duopoly dominates the field of political choice, as they do the political process. In this respect, this election cycle remarkably will be like previous elections—essentially a contest between two wings of the same flightless bird, with only token opposition from “third” parties.

DAVID DALEY – The Real Way the 2016 Election Is Rigged

Hillary Clinton has put the Electoral College into checkmate. She’s closer to Donald Trump in many red states like Kansas and Texas than he is to her in key swing states. As her lead swells, naturally, fired-up Democrats and a restless media have turned their attention to a more exciting story: Can Democrats retake the House of Representatives? But the …

Chris Hedges – Con vs. Con

During the presidential election cycle, liberals display their gutlessness. Liberal organizations, such as, become cloyingly subservient to the Democratic Party. Liberal media, epitomized by MSNBC, ruthlessly purge those who challenge the Democratic Party establishment. Liberal pundits, such as Paul Krugman, lambaste critics of the political theater, charging them with enabling the Republican nominee. Liberals chant, in a disregard for …

JEFF GREENFIELD – Democratic Blue: Obama will leave his party in its worst shape since the Great Depression

s historians begin to assess Barack Obama’s record as president, there’s at least one legacy he’ll leave that will indeed be historic—but not in the way he would have hoped. Even as Democrats look favorably ahead to the presidential landscape of 2016, the strength in the Electoral College belies huge losses across much of the country. In fact, no president …