The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Dr. Robert Drapkin, MD – 01.19.16

Host Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN,, interviews Robert Drapkin, MD. Dr. Drapkin is a health care provider who is board certified in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology, and Palliative Care. He is in active practice, working to save lives and improve quality of life through the education of his patients. He provides up-to-date knowledge and guides patients through their illnesses, exercises and diets. He has been in active medicine practice for over 36 years. Dr. Drapkin is currently 71 years old and started training as a body builder when he was in his fifties. He has been a competitive body builder for 17 years, and has won many titles and contests. On today’s show, Dr. Drapkin will discuss the benefits of intermittent fasting, along with other health tips for both young and mature individuals , who want to get the most out of life! Contact:

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