Much has been made of Donald Trump as “post-ideological,” with claims that his incoherent, and often incompatible, mix of domestic and international policies and priorities somehow transcends ideology and points to a new way of governing that is neither left or right. Much has also been made of growing fault lines within the evangelical community, with suggestions that the evangelicalism of …
Glen Ford – White Supremacy, U.S. Exceptionalism and Capitalist Dogma are All “Fake News”
The U.S. ruling class faces a crisis of legitimacy, having no solution to any of the multiple crises of capitalism. Therefore, it is compelled to lie about virtually everything, and to call speakers of truth purveyors of “fake news.” The false narrative must be maintained because “the world is outgrowing the U.S.-led, rigged economic and political system that is the …
Kali Holloway – Right-Wing German Hate Groups Plan Attacks With American Counterparts Emboldened by Trump
Throughout his campaign, Donald Trump exploited existing racist and xenophobic sentiments across his base. Since he launched his election bid 18 months ago, a number of hate crimes have carried out by whites who openly admitted being inspired by Trump’s rhetoric. Since the election, racial and religious minorities have reported being targets in an unprecedented number of attacks. Now the head of Germany’s …
Andrew Nikiforuk – The End of Growth and the Rise of Trump
The world did not end, but it changed when the United States elected a narcissistic billionaire and racist demagogue as its president. As Albert Camus once noted, “A man without ethics is a wild beast loosed upon this world.” But there is no shortage of such men in politics and commerce at the moment. Donald Trump’s electoral victory says something …
JOHN LIGHT – The Lawsuit That Could Save the Planet
Donald Trump’s election to the presidency is a devastating blow to the environmental community, coming at a crucial juncture in the fight against climate change. As Rebecca Leber and Ben Adler write for Grist, nearly all of President Barack Obama’s climate legacy probably will be undone in the Trump administration. With both Congress and and the presidency in the hands …
Gilbert Doctorow – A Look at Ukraine’s Dark Side
A new French documentary depicts a long-denied truth – that Ukraine is in the grip of extreme right-wing nationalists who seek to impose what the British scholar Richard Sakwa has called a monist view of nationhood, one which does not accept minorities or heterogeneity. Rainbow politics is not what the Maidan uprising was all about. Like the Communism which held …
9 Things Many Americans Just Don’t Grasp (Compared to the Rest of the World)
To hear the far-right ideologues of Fox News and AM talk radio tell it, life in Europe is hell on Earth. Taxes are high, sexual promiscuity prevails, universal healthcare doesn’t work, and millions of people don’t even speak English as their primary language! Those who run around screaming about “American exceptionalism” often condemn countries like France, Norway and Switzerland to justify …