Today is January 8th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment. In this episode Gary goes into some audio clips on Jeff Sessions Says Legal Weed… Illegal, Black Leopard and The Animal Communicator, Anna Breytenbach and Anonymous – This will Change Everything You Know… (2018-2019). Download this episode (right …
Leid Stories—2017 Ends Badly for the Clintons and Their Fraudulent ‘Charity’ Empire; Worse Yet to Come in 2018—12.28.17
When Leid Stories reported earlier this month on a trove of thousands of files the FBI released from its electronic vault on its ongoing probe of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (The Clinton Foundation), we predicted there should be much more coming, based on the labyrinthine nature of the foundation and its operations. Charles Ortel, a retired Wall …
The Torch – 12.18.17
VOX is an investigative reporter and filmmaker who has been closely following allegations of Russian collusion in the election of Donald J. Trump. Vox says that the charges against Russia are exaggerated. The Russia investigation he adds is designed to undermine Trump and replace him with an even more warlike leader, probably from the Democratic party Dan Kovalik is a …
Leid Stories—FBI Releases Damaging Info on Clinton Probe; Is #MeToo Fervor Linked to Lawmaker’s Suicide?—12.15.17
The FBI yesterday released from its electronic “vault” a trove of files related to Bill and Hillary Clinton and others who played key roles in the Clintons’ political and business endeavors. Charles Ortel, a retired Wall Street banker turned financial investigator who has been probing the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation for two years, reveals damaging information the latest …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.13.17
Probably the deepest, most far-ranging discussing on “personal responsibility” you will ever hear, beautifully shared with my guest in a single hour. Brian Russell, a lawyer and psychologist with wide-ranging interests, focuses with me on what it means to take responsibility for living a rich, full, principled and loving life. Politics, religion, personal relationships—nothing is off bounds in our attempt to …
Meria Heller – Conversations with David Icke – 12.10.17
Conversations with David Icke and Meria. David’s tour, cancelled venue, false accusations;”Everything You Need to Know, But Have Never Been Told”, latest book; Zionist hate groups around the world; why Manchester United pulled his event; war on truth;Anti-semite is Anti-Arab;Germany blocks David;trump diversions;Russia and Israel;Kushner’s dad and Netanyahu;Jared’s money for illegal Israeli settlements; trumps Zionist cabinet;Goldman Sachs;Bush admin; Jerusalem-center of zionist world; dead …
Meria Heller – Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer – 10.29.17
Roaring Truth, with Meria and Jim Fetzer. The latest from the JFK Conference;Oswald and Tippett;autopsy photos;Jackie & Bobby;Mayor of Dallas brother was CIA; KGB in 1965 and Johnson;Johnson’s lover;latest paper release;Who’s the Lee in Mexico (Al Bundy?) ;Updates on: Sandy Hook, Boston, 9/11, Vegas;Len Posner drops his lawsuit against Wolfgang Halbig;Boston bomber gets federal appeals court to hear case for his innocence;Airlines pay …
Expat Files – 12.01.17
#1- Will a previous bankruptcy filing affect your Latin American residency application? Might it disqualify you? What about having a DUI on your police or FBI “good conduct” report? Here’s the skinny… #2- Residency Requirement problems: About those Police/Sheriff vs FBI reports, you’ll need one or the other. Today we explain why in some case its sooooo much better if …
Energy Stew – Scott Stabile – 11.24.17
Scott Stabile found so many ways to be discouraged about life, especially tragic deaths in his family when he was very young. He also became an expert at failing and finding fault with himself. His journey is very inspiring to us all as he learned how to reframe his life into kindness to himself and others. I was very moved …
Leid Stories—Do Some Mental Maintenance and Free Your Mind!—11.23.17
It’s Friday. Time to defrag, and Leid Stories is here to help. Select from the zillion thoughts swimming around in your brain the one you’d most like to share. Then call in (888-874-4888) and free your mind. You just might be freeing ours, too. You’re cordially invited to join us for “Free Your Mind Friday” on Leid Stories. It’s our weekly open …