Expat Files – 12.09.16

#1- Part 3: The Decameron “all inclusive” Latin beach resorts revisited.
One of the least expensive “all inclusive” first-world style resort packages by far- and one place that almost no native born Americans have ever heard of- today we explore their Special Membership Club package in more detail. We find out how much it really costs to retire and live at one or more of these resorts year round including the add on’s and extras you should be aware of before signing on the dotted line.

MEL GOODMAN – Mad Dog Mattis and Trump’s “Seven Days in May”

President-elect Donald Trump probably never read Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey’s “Seven Days in May” in 1962 and never saw John Frankenheimer’s film version in 1964, which dealt with the threat of a military coup due to opposition to a nuclear disarmament treaty with the Soviet Union during the Cold War.  President John F. Kennedy read the book after the …

Expat Files – 12.04.16

#2- The Decameron “all inclusive” Latin beach resorts revisited: Part 2
Considered to be the least expensive “all inclusive” first-world style resort package in the world that most first-world people have ever heard about. Today we’ll explore the how the sales reps sell you the club packages/plans and what to look out for and what will best serve your needs.

Steve Wasserman – Reflections on the Death of Fidel

Nearly 60 years ago, Herbert Matthews of The New York Times interviewed a rebel-with-a-cause most people thought was dead. Matthews’ scoop in the tangled jungle of Cuba’s Sierra Maestra proved that the man was alive. His name (which in its entirety was but four syllables) would soon come to be known the world over. To his followers, the first two …

Leid Stories—After Fidel, the Future of Anti-Imperialist Struggle—11.28.16

The death Nov. 25 of Fidel Castro, the revolutionary former president of Cuba, has further winnowed the already sparse ranks of leaders who were the vanguard of resistance to global imperialism and colonialism. Many of the “new” generation of leaders thought it futile to stand up to world powers or eagerly traded wholesale pillaging of their people and their nations’ resources for private, personal gain.


Orlando Letelier was an exiled former Chilean diplomat. He had served in the socialist government of   Salvador Allende, who, in 1973, was overthrown in a US-backed coup. The notorious dictator Augusto Pinochet took over. Letelier was seized, tortured and imprisoned. He was released a year later as a result of international pressure. He was invited to Washington, DC where he …