The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – Blood Sugar Balance – 01.10.17

Host, Ellen Kamhi PhD, RN, www.naturalnurse.con, interviews Integrative Health Nurse Cheryl Myers, RN. Cheryl Meyers is an author, and expert on natural medicine. A graduate (with honors) of Purdue University, Cheryl Myers, whose first degree is in nursing, also has clinical certifications in oncology (cancer care) and gerontology (health issues of aging). She has been working directly with dietary supplements for over 12 years. A natural medicine practitioner, Cheryl is a recognized expert in integrative health and dietary supplement use. She is a nationally-recognized speaker who has been interviewed by the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Prevention Magazine. Her many articles have been published in such diverse journals as Aesthetic Surgery Journal and Nutrition in Complementary Care, and her research on botanicals has been presented at the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the North American Menopause Society. Ms. Myers is the head of Scientific Affairs and Education for EuroPharma, Inc. . On this show, Nurse Cheryl discusses natural remedies to support Blood Sugar Balance. Contact: Phone: 866-598-5487

What Women Must Know – Healing Chronic Degnerative Diseases and Rejuvenating with Ozone Therapy with Marcus Freudenmann – 01.05.17

Marcus Freudenmann has dedicated the past 15 years to researching and finding solutions to chronic, degenerative diseases, including cancer. Marcus has learned from over 100 of at the world’s leading doctors and authored the book, “Healing Cancer with Common Sense”. He also produced the documentary, “Cancer is Curable Now”. He is the founder and director of Truly Heal Academy which offers accreditation programs for functional medicine certified health coaches and health professions.


One of the criteria the Food and Drug Administration considers when deciding whether or not to approve a GMO is called “substantial equivalence.” This means the nutritional profile and toxicity levels of the modified plant are within the same range as a non-modified plant. When a new strain of corn is similar enough to the original to demonstrate substantial equivalence, …

Jay Walljasper – Tapping the Power of Place to Keep Us All Healthy

One number stands above all others as the best indicator of good health. It’s not your blood pressure, cholesterol level, average daily calories or even the age at which your grandparents die. It’s your zip code. This fact has sent shockwaves across the county. The chief aspiration of American democracy is that everyone deserves an equal opportunity for life, liberty …

Paul Fassa – Federal Government Works with Pharmaceutical Companies to Prevent Natural Cures

In the United States today, the federal government controls which substances can be used to treat diseases, and which ones cannot. In general, only pharmaceutical drugs which can be patented are allowed. In many cases, either the FDA decides certain health claims about natural substances are invalid and bans it, or the DEA claims certain plants, such as cannabis, are …

APRIL McCARTHY – In 2017, More Antibiotics Will Be Consumed By Farm Animals Than Humans

Governments around the world consider antimicrobial-resistant bacteria a major and growing threat to public health. In 2017, many more people could begin dying from common bacterial infections as resistance to antibiotics booms. Diseases are becoming untreatable — a situation that looks set to get worse as the world reaches a new tipping point next year. Read more

George Kimbrell – The Sordid Tale of Monsanto’s Genetically Engineered Bentgrass, the Dangerous Grass That Never Dies

Earlier this month, the Department of Agriculture quietly greenlighted the first-ever genetically engineered grass. The GE creeping bentgrass, a product of Monsanto and Scotts, is genetically engineered to be immune to Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. You may not have heard of it, but GE grass has quite a horror-film backstory. Once destined for golf courses nationwide, Monsanto first petitioned USDA for …

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 12.14.16

Extremely provocative and yet absolute true: Psychiatric drug-induced violence and suicide, and the underlying evil that drives pharmaceutical cover-ups! Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD, Danish researcher, joins me for the second of four one-hour examinations of what he calls “Deadly Psychiatry and Organized Denial.” Drawing on the most recent research, this discussion left me nearly shouting in my outrage over what is routinely taking place in psychiatry and the Pharmaceutical Empire, and its rampant abuse of patients. Listen to all four weekly discussions with this brilliant, dedicated, ethical physician, starting December 7, 2016.

Reynard Loki – Has Europe Been Right All Along to Renounce GE Crops?

In 1994, a tomato known as Flavr Savr became the first commercially grown genetically engineered food to be granted a license for human consumption. Scientists at the California-based company Calgene (which was scooped up by Monsanto a few years later) added a specific gene to a conventional tomato that interfered with the plant’s production of a particular enzyme, making it …