Leid Stories – The Clinton Foundation: How $60 Million ‘Disappeared from Its Books’ – 05.25.16

Charles Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor whose digging into the financials of General Electric in 2007-2008 proved that the conglomerate had fraudulently overvalued its stock by hundreds of billions of dollars, has been detailing exclusively on Leid Stories major financial and accountability problems with the international philanthropic conglomerate operating as the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Today Ortel, who has charged that the foundation is engaging in massive charity fraud, traces the “disappearance” of $60 million that allegedly was given as a “soft” political contribution to the foundation during the time that Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Virginia), a close friend and political ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton, was a lead member of the foundation’s board.

McAuliffe is being investigated by a joint FBI-U.S. Justice Department probe looking into illegal contributions he allegedly accepted through the foundation for his own election campaign.

Leid Stories – Feds Probing Clinton Foundation Ex-Board Member; The Clintons, Too? – 05.24.16

In a startling development related to yesterday’s program about the Clinton Foundation, news broke that Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-Virginia)—a close friend and political ally of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a former member of the foundation’s board—is the target of a joint FBI-U.S. Justice Department investigation, allegedly for taking illegal campaign contributions.

The probe speaks directly to the issue our guest, former Wall Street banker and investor Charles K. Ortel, returns to today: the highly questionable fundraising practices of the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

Ortel blew the whistle on General Electric in 2007-2008, after his own investigation of the financial records of the conglomerate revealed it had fraudulently overvalued its stock. Ortel says his own examination of the Clinton foundation’s financial records leads him to believe it is engaging in massive fraud under the guise of a philanthropic organization.

Haitian-born journalist Dady Chery, author of the recently published We Have Dared to Be Free: Haiti’s Struggle Against Occupation, has written extensively on developments in Haiti and emerging nations for News Junkie Post. She joins Ortel in discussing the Clintons’ sordid history in Haiti.

Leid Stories – The Clinton Foundation A ‘Complete Fraud,’ Says Banker-Investor Who Blew the Whistle on GE Stock Scam – 05.23.16

Charles K. Ortel, a former Wall Street banker and investor, blew the whistle on General Electric in 2007-2008, after tearing its financial reports apart and finding the conglomerate had been lying to its investors, fraudulently overvaluing its stock by hundreds of millions of dollars.

Fifteen months ago, Ortel began looking forensically at the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation—a politically connected philanthropic conglomerate with multiple related entities, global interests and highly questionable fundraising practices. Like GE, he said, its financials were telling as very different stories from those it “officially” reported.

In an exclusive, no-holds-barred interview, Ortel again blows the whistle. What he has discovered about the Clintons’ foundation is that it is “a complete fraud,” he alleges.

Wall Street whistle-blower drops BOMBSHELL about Clinton Foundation

Hillary Clinton likes to portray herself as an enemy of Wall Street, but the Street’s real enemies are coming back to haunt her. While Hillary Clinton was banking millions in speaking fees from the financial industry, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel was making news for uncovering years of accounting fraud at General Electric. Now he’s turned his attention to the …

No Fossil Fuel? No Problem—7 Ways We’re Already Living More Locally

1. Community cooperative utilities As a chain of volcanic islands, Hawai‘i doesn’t have coal and natural gas readily available to generate electricity. The state depends on oil, shipped in by tanker, to generate electricity. In 2002, Kaua‘i Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) became the first and only member-owned utility company in the state, aiming to solve this energy problem. At that …

The Natural Nurse And Dr. Z – The GI-MAP testing of the microbiota and implications for autoimmune disease management – 02.02.16

Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN, www.naturalnurse.com, interviews Dr. David M. Brady. Dr. Brady is a Connecticut and Vermont licensed naturopathic medical physician and certified clinical nutritionist and has been in clinical practice for 24 years. He is the vice provost of the Division of Health Sciences, director of the Human Nutrition Institute, and associate professor of clinical sciences at the University of Bridgeport. He is also the chief medical officer for Diagnostic Solutions Labs, LLC and Designs for Health, Inc., and practices at Whole Body Medicine in Fairfield, CT, specializing in functional and nutritional medicine.
Dr. Brady works with Diagnostic Solutions Laboratory to develop and launch the first DNA/PCR molecular assay for GI pathogens performed on stool using an FDA-approved platform and methodology, the GI Microbial Assay Plus (GI-MAP). The pathogen targets include bacteria, parasites and another first for the market, viruses! This will help integrative and functional medicine physicians and providers determine the status of the gastrointestinal environment, which is critical in understanding why a patient may be experiencing various chronic conditions, with a particular eye towards autoimmune disorders. Contact: http://drdavidbrady.com/

Bill Freese – New Study Finds Genetically Engineered Alfalfa Has Gone Wild, Exposing Failure of “Coexistence” Policy

A recent study by USDA scientists shows that genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa has gone wild, in a big way, in alfalfa-growing parts of the West.  This feral GE alfalfa may help explain a number of transgenic contamination episodes over the past few years that have cost American alfalfa growers and exporters millions of dollars in lost revenue.  And it also …

Bill Freese – New study finds genetically engineered alfalfa has gone wild, exposing failure of “coexistence” policy

A recent study by USDA scientists shows that genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa has gone wild, in a big way, in alfalfa-growing parts of the West.  This feral GE alfalfa may help explain a number of transgenic contamination episodes over the past few years that have cost American alfalfa growers and exporters millions of dollars in lost revenue.  And it also …

F. William Engdahl – Victory in Paris vs Monsanto GMO Cabal

There is a very positive news coming out of Paris, a city with more than her share of bad news lately. It’s a major legal victory for the voices of science and reason against the GMO Monsanto-led cabal. Its implications will be felt worldwide. If our world ever gets the will to rid the 21st Century Black Death plague masquerading …

GM Chicken Approved “For Medicinal Purposes”! Are Humans Next?

The floodgates are open for more genetically modified animals—possibly even humans. Last week saw the approval of another genetically modified animal— this time a chicken genetically altered to produce a drug in its eggs. The drug is designed to replace a faulty enzyme in people with a rare genetic condition that prevents the body from breaking down fatty molecules in cells. …