Progressive Radio Network

Genetically modified crops

In 2012, at least 283.5 million pounds of glyphosate (the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready) was used in U.S. alone. For those who are unconcerned about…
US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack, also known as Monsanto’s errand boy, sent a letter to media outlets on May 1st of this year stating that…
A new study from North Carolina State University and Clemson University finds the toxin in a widely used genetically modified (GM) crop is having little…
In 2012, Professsor Seralini of the University of Caen in France led a team that carried out research into the health impacts on rats fed GMOs (genetically modified organisms). The two-year long…
“Monsanto, out of China!” website (in Chinese): On May 25 2013, anti-Monsanto demonstrations took place in 436 cities in 52 countries. With slogans such as…
The two great ecological challenges of our times are biodiversity erosion and climate change. And both are interconnected, in their causes and their solutions. Industrial…
Last year, we reported on a proposed rule coming out of the FDA that would ban the word “folate” from Supplement Fact labels. Only “folic…
For every farmer who sold out to Monsanto’s agenda, they’ll likely be kicking themselves in the plants soon enough. What will it take for America’s farmers…
Some have said that India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, arrived at the nation’s pro-GMO position with the help of generous campaign funding from a GMO…
Genetically modified (GM) crops are going to feed the world. Not only that, supporters of GM technology say it will produce better yields than non-GM…
An eye-opening investigation conducted by Canada's only supplier of non-GMO corn seed has revealed that genetically modified "Frankencorn" is severely lacking in a number of…
The World Health Organisation (WHO) recently classified glyphosate, the active substance of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide, as “probably causing cancer in human beings.” Germany is charged…