The Spring edition of the Trends Journal (available at was just released, featuring an in-depth analysis of how central banks have created a ticking time bomb. In this Trends This Week program, Trends Journal publisher Gerald Celente breaks down the indicators that suggest that time bomb is about to go off. From slowing market trade activity to rising gold prices, from the real story behind rising oil prices to what a threat of even moderate interest rate hikes means, Celente slices through the media hype and propaganda to tell the fact-based story of a global economy heading off a cliff.
Trends This Week – Obama’s commencement address…what meaningless bunk! – 05.11.16
Gerald Celente dissects President Obama’s recent commencement address at Howard University. Beyoncé rules the world? That and other naive, ill-informed, out-of-touch, blatantly insulting Obama comments are broken down in classic Celente style. Elsewhere, the global forecaster puts recent economic trends into perspective, with a focus on why he thinks gold will continue to rise in value, and talks about the Trends Research Institute’s upcoming summer retreat in historic Colonial Kingston, N.Y. It’s filling up fast and drawing people from all over the world.
Trends This Week – “Deal and money” man Trump… plus become an Ontrendpreneur – 05.04.16
Gerald Celente recaps the latest episode of The Presidential Reality Show, forecasts what to expect and highlights the open window for progressive advancement that can alter the political landscape. On the economic front, Celente forecasts what to expect in the global equity markets, the world economies and the “Ontrendpreneur” opportunities to seize and the dangers to avoid.
Trends This Week – The Presidential Reality Show in full swing as America in decline – 04.27.16
Global master forecaster Gerald Celente analyzes the state of the presidential race as he reflects on the state of America’s decline in the 21st Century and the reasons behind. America, once the world’s undisputed global heavyweight, has down-trended into an economic, political, social, cultural and lifestyle bantamweight. He also makes some predictions on the campaign ahead and also breaks down recent economic activity and the ticking time bomb that is the global economy.
Trends This Week – Clinton-Sanders – 04.20.16
Global forecaster Gerald Celente breaks down the reasons behind his Trends Research Institute’s forecast that when presidential candidate Bernie Sanders bows out of the Democratic primary, he’ll join Hillary Clinton’s campaign as her running mate. Hillary for president, with Bernie as running by her side for vice president, towers over any combinations on the radar now for the GOP. But does it matter? Elsewhere, Celente explains the economy is in a holding pattern; don’t be fooled by recent spikes. The market riggers have fewer and fewer tools to keep the economy on life support.
Trends This Week – People Do Have The Power! – 04.13.16
Direct Democracy, a longstanding guiding tenet of Gerald Celente and the Trends Research Institute, can work. Celente breaks down the failures of our leaders on political, foreign policy and economic fronts and demonstrates how Direct Democracy is the way out, the solution. He points to the recent Dutch vote against the European Union-Ukraine agreement that called for closer and more strategic security and trade agreements with Ukraine. But a vote of the Dutch people, albeit non-binding, rejected the deal. Direct Democracy in action. The referendum, pulled off by the Eurosceptics movement in record time and efficiency, shows how a direct vote by the people can work. Elsewhere, Celente addresses recent market surges on the backdrop of rising oil prices and corporate earnings.
Trends This Week – Terrorism, lies and failed leaders…and why gold still glows – 03.30.16
The Brussels terror attacks remind us, at least those of us able to think for ourselves, of the root causes of terrorism the media never report, how much you can’t trust the “official” word on who’s responsible and how the attacks unfolded and how our leaders, the media elite and the population at large can’t muster a peep for peace, only more war mongering. Elsewhere in this program, the global master forecaster breaks down the Fed’s no-rate-hikes-now stance and why gold still shines.
Trends This Week – Peace in the Middle East – 03.23.16
Only peace, not more police surveillance at home and military intervention in foreign lands can win the War on Terror. Celente also reviewed the deep fault lines in America’s Middle East foreign policy and gave an overview of his global economic forecast.
Trends This Week – Trump trumps the rich, zero interest rates and your future – 03.16.16
Donald Trump’s victory night speech about how “we” need the rich in America to make the country “great again” underscores how far “we” have sunk. Global forecaster Gerald Celente puts it all in perspective: The absence of grace, dignity and self respect thrives in a culture where the rich get richer at the expense of the vast majority. And Trump exemplifies that. In the Presidential Reality Show, however, there are no good options. Elsewhere, Celente dissects the zero-interest rate reality bearing down on developed nations – why this is happening, how it will evolve and what it means to you. Our future is being robbed from us! The bankers have murdered Wall Street, and Main Street suffers the most.
Trends This Week – In The Age of Stupid, consequences of disaster – 03.09.16
Across the globe and around the world, from nations’ capitals to city halls, they come in all sizes, shapes, races, creeds and colors. A gang of lunatics run and ruin life on Earth under the guise that the parties they belong to represent We the People and the policies they promote will bring financial security and military victory. Pick a country. Name the names. With few exceptions, those in charge boast track records of fiasco, economic disasters and mass destruction. From the highest governmental offices to the military to central-bank policymakers, they double down on catastrophes they created by promising great success from their monumental failures. The current path to the future is clear: more of the same, but much worse. However, when a critical mass who wants to live in peace and gracious beauty take life in their own hands and take it away from those whose greatest ambition is to rule and control, the Renaissance 2.0 we had forecast will prevail.