Today, the latest in health and healing, then a special commentary remembering Danny Schechter. We also cover other topics such as the government withholding documents, financial collapse leading to war, and the US prison system. Plus, a continuation of our series on fascism. And more!
Latest Gallup: Dissatisfaction with U.S. Government Soars. “15 Years of Unmitigated Rotten Government”
The latest Gallup poll shows that even as Americans are more satisfied with the American economy, they are more dissatisfied with the government; and that this government-dissatisfaction is so high that for the first time while Gallup has been following this matter, the ratio of dissatisfaction with government is swamping the ratio of dissatisfaction with both of the other two matters …
Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls
By, Dr. Gary Null & Richard Gale February 26, 2013 The rudiments of neo-fascism stole into American politics during the presidency of Ronald Reagan in the 1980s. At that time, government discovered that serving the private corporate sector was more profitable than serving American citizens. For example, if people were faced with eviction due to back mortgage or were unable …
Connect The Dots – The Threat to Privacy and Democracy in the Technological Age – 03.11.15
Interview with Robert Scheer, leading journalist, editor of the on-line news site, Truth Dig, and the author of They Know Everything About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy