Alternative Visions – Central Bankers Out of Control – 09.23.16

Today’s show examines and discusses the past week’s major decisions by the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Japan, and how they represent growing failure and desperation of central bank monetary policy globally. Bank of Japan promises to keep bond rates at zero for another ten years and to continue to inject money until inflation exceeds 2%. The Federal Reserve …

Susan J. Popkin Molly M. Scott Martha M. Galvez – Impossible Choices: Teens and Food Insecurity in America

Food-insecure teens who don’t get enough to eat sometimes resort to extreme measures to cope with hunger—from saving school lunches for the weekend or going hungry so younger siblings can eat to stealing or trading sex for money to buy food. The most risky behaviors are by no means typical of all teens, even in the most distressed communities, but …

Sarah Lazare – Americans Are Drowning in Credit Card Debt, and It’s Not Because They Are ‘Irresponsible’

Amid soaring inequality [3] and stagnant wages [4], consumers in the United States collectively accumulated a stunning $34.4 billion in credit card debt during the second quarter of 2016 alone, according to a new report [5] from the personal finance website WalletHub. This high number represents the greatest second-quarter accumulation since at least 1986, when such data was first recorded, and positions U.S. consumers to surpass “$1 trillion …

Sam Becker – How Much Money Does the Average American Have in Their Bank Account?

Despite living in what is likely the wealthiest nation to ever have existed, Americans sure are having a hard time getting by. As most people are well aware of at this point, wage stagnation and numerous structural economic changes over the years have led to a shrinking middle class, fewer and fewer “good” jobs, and calls for political policies that were once thought …

JOHN MAULDIN – These 6 Charts Show Why the Average American Is Fed Up

The last 20 years have brought great wealth to a few while most of the population was lucky to break even. Whether you’re a member of the elite/protected class or one of the unprotected, it’s hard to deny this reality. Household income is going nowhere Here’s an update of Doug Short’s household income chart:

DAVID ROSEN – Are We Entering an Era of Postmodern Serfdom?

Over the last few years, a growing numbers of authors have convincingly argued that America’s social order is in a deepening crisis.  Among these studies are: Louis Uchtelle, The Disposable American (2007); Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine, (2008); Don Peck, Pinched (2011); Donald Barlett and James Steele, The Betrayal of the American Dream (2012); D. W. Gibson, Not Working (2012); and Barbara Garson, Down the Up Escalator (2013). These and other writers …


Anew Pew Research Center analysis of General Social Survey data confirms a long-simmering trend in U.S. religious observance: While attendance at religious services has declined for all Americans, it has declined more among women then men. In the early 1970s, 36 percent of women and 26 percent of men reported attending church services weekly, a ten-point gap that reflected the long-standing …

Tim Fernholz – Here’s one really obvious way to boost the US economy

If you’re confused about why American economic growth has been so disappointing, consider this: US government investment in capital, research and development, and education and training is at its lowest point in 45 years. In 2014, federal investment turned negative for the first time since 2001, meaning that government capital is depreciating or becoming obsolete faster than it is being replaced Harvard …

Ray McGovern – A Need to Clear Up Clinton Questions

“Some people think they can lie and get away with it,” said former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld with feigned outrage. And, of course, he has never been held accountable for his lies, proving his dictum true. The question today is: Will former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s Teflon coat be as impermeable to deep scratches as Rumsfeld’s has proven to be? …

The Real Story Behind The True Magnitude Of The New Home Sales Collapse

Comparing the growth in the number of full time jobs versus the growth in new home sales starkly illustrates both the horrible quality of the new jobs, and how badly ZIRP has served the US economy. Growth in new home sales has always been dependent on growth in full time jobs. For 38 years until the housing bubble peaked in 2006, home sales …