The Economy Has Not Recovered And Is Again On Its Way Down

The first quarter GDP will be negative unless the figure is again manipulated and faked. I am looking at two charts. One is the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta’s forecast. During the past 30 days, the Atlanta Fed’s forecast has dropped from 2.3% first quarter growth to 0.3 percent. The other chart is the Blue Chip consensus. This is Wall …

Discredited Ideas: Free Market Theory is at Odds with Reality

Despite the practical failures of free-market economics, too many mainstream economists have continued to embrace simplistic ideas about how the economy works. Such ideas are often rooted more in ideology than in evidence. These beliefs and the policies that follow led directly to the 2008 financial crisis and the Great Recession. They also centrally contributed to the nation’s subpar performance …

Warning: American snack food looks healthier all the time — but it really isn’t

Americans are finally beginning to figure out that they’re too good for junk food, and the industry is feeling the burn. Bloomberg Businessweek’s latest cover story — “They’re Gr-r-ross” – takes the form of a premature eulogy to Tony the Tiger, and portrays the beloved mascot sporting a gas mask. Big Food itself isn’t even denying it anymore: Denise Morrison, CEO of Campbell …