Learn about an amazing new discovery that can greatly enhance your life and health. Tom Martin is the owner of carbon60oliveoil.com, one of the companies…
The Government's Plans to expand civil asset forfeiture John Whitehead is a civil attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of…
Brad Coates (www.CoatesandFrey.com) returned to the show. He knows all about marriage and divorce because he is a divorce lawyer in Honolulu, Hawaii and has…
Due to climate change, the increased use of pesticides and a range of other causal factors, bee populations have decreased steadily over the past years.…
President Barack Obama signed into law last week his seventh and final Pentagon spending bill, providing $619 billion to continue and expand the murderous violence…
An in-depth investigation reveals that multibillion-dollar Big Ag corporations—including DuPont Pioneer and Monsanto—as well as small-scale farmers routinely use labor recruiters who crowd migrant workers…
Though the Obama administration in March put a halt on drilling for oil and gas in Atlantic, the dolphins and whales inhabiting the waters are still at…
Discrimination against well-trained naturopathic doctors is rampant. We need your help to stop it. State-based Action Alert! Recently an association of four-year trained naturopathic doctors (NDs) in…