The most important nutritional supplements for your health and well-being: this show is a must for anyone who takes, or is thinking of taking, nutritional supplements in addition to a balanced diet. Dr. WALD will take you through the conflict and confusion that exists on the web, in textbooks and that you might even hear from seemingly qualified healthcare providers. This may very well be the most important show on attritional supplements you’ve ever heard! Dr. WALD can be reached at Integrated nutrition of Mount Kisco by calling 914-242-8844/ at
Mediterranean diet, caffeine, fruit may help lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration
October 19 2016. Research presented on October 16, 2016 at the 120th annual meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology has associated a Mediterranean diet, fruit and caffeine as with a lower risk of age-related macular degeneration(AMD). The current study included 883 subjects aged 55 or older residing in central Portugal between 2013 and 2015, among whom 449 individuals had …
Let’s Create A Better World – 04.16.16
Prostate Cancer is growing by leaps and bounds in the United States and a number of other places worldwide. This disease effects men of ages, especially men over 40. Our guest is Peter Starr who has traveled the world and put together a DVD on his interviews with 56 major doctors and holistic practitioners that give their feedback, information and tips on overcoming this dis-ease and the related issues. He also discusses the important supportive role that women play in this process as a helper and care giver.
Peter talks about how he overcame prostate cancer and how he is continuing a healthy lifestyle and all the things he is doing to teach and get the word out on this disease.
Peter discusses conventional treatments vs. the new natural methods and the side effects of cancer treatment. Other related topics discussed include the essential steps of living a healthy lifestyle, having an active sex life, keeping a healthy diet and surrounding yourself with better people in life overall.
Peter Starr’s website:
Joseph Mercola – Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-up Part II
“Statin Nation II: What Really Causes Heart Disease?” is the sequel to the documentary “Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-up [2].” However, it stands well on its own, even if you didn’t see the original film. For many decades, the idea that saturated fats caused heart disease reigned supreme, and diets shifted sharply away from saturated animal fats such as butter …
Paul Fassa – Can We Trust the New USDA Dietary Guidelines to Keep us Healthy?
Our national government’s attempts at issuing dietary guidelines are usually inappropriate and ludicrous. Unfortunately, those guidelines dictate what the average certified dietitian offers as sound dietary advice. If you’ve ever had to eat hospital food, you were the recipient of a dietitian’s control over the hospital’s kitchen. Today there are virtual food fights over different dietary approaches. It seems the …
NDC Savings Club – 08.05.15
Today Show: My 24/7 Online Doctor
Guest Speaker: Ken Crause – Owner
MyOnlineDoctor 24/7 is a convenient program designed to provide access to a doctor 24/7 right from the privacy of your home, office or wherever you are. Our doctors are all experienced, licensed and Board Certified. They are specially trained to advise, diagnose and prescribe medications.
Members can access them via toll free phone, smart phone, ipad or computer. A doctor will be in touch with you in an hour or less from the time you call in. You can also book a video appointment online that suits your time schedule, with any of our doctors.
Health News Segment with: Dr. Wald, director of Longevity at Integrated Medicine
Today Topic: Healthy Diet Basics – Part 2
If you think that what you know about the basics of healthy eating is accurate then do NOT listen to this show by Dr. Michael Wald, aka The Blood Detective. Dr. Wald reviews his top 12 healthy eating lifestyle considerations. These basics are essential, according to Dr. Wald, to live longer and better. Dr. Wald also discusses his Longevity Work-Up for determining the biochemical and nutritional needs for individuals who are healthy and those who want to get and stay healthy.