Brad Hoff – Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention

The New Year’s Eve release of over 3,000 new Hillary Clinton emails from the State Department has CNN abuzz over gossipy text messages, the “who gets to ride with Hillary” selection process set up by her staff, and how a “cute” Hillary photo fared on Facebook. But historians of the 2011 NATO war in Libya will be sure to notice a few …

H. A. GOODMAN – Our nominee is a disaster: Time may be running out, but Democrats will come to rue Clinton over Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the only Democrat not linked to an FBI investigation. If this doesn’t mean anything to you, then you’re too terrified of Trump’s rallies to realize that Clinton could get indicted. Also, if you can’t fathom the possibility of Donald Trump winning, then keep in mind that most Americans don’t trust or like Hillary Clinton. A general election isn’t …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 03.17.16


We’re joined by KEVIN KAMPS of Beyond Nuclear who tells us that Ohio’s Davis-Besse nuke is in dire straits. The question is: will the national attention focused on “the sane Republican” make a difference. Will media scrutiny to the $4 billion bailout FirstEnergy wants for its dying nukes and coal burners prove too big an embarrassment for the Ohioan who would be president?

Then BOB FITRAKIS of gives us the inside scoop on Kasich’s sorry record as a corporate toady. Despite all the campaign trail hugs, Kasich is always ready to hand billions to his fellow millionaires while dumping on the rest of us.

Finally RICHARD CHARNIN gives us the latest reports on election theft, warning that all those primaries Hillary allegedly won just might not be real. BERNIE, he says, is doing way better than we think.

Harvey Wasserman – Run, Bernie, Please Keep Running

e all win when Bernie Sanders runs. We need him to continue through the Democratic Convention and beyond. You can pardon my enthusiasm, but I’ll now be sending him my $27. That Bernie came in second in this past Tuesday’s primaries doesn’t mean much. He got more than enough votes to justify an ongoing campaign. And the longer he runs, …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Trump, Clinton and the Ick Factor – 03.17.16

They are “front runners” in the 2016 presidential race, having racked up impressive wins in the primaries and caucuses held thus far. But that doesn’t mean people like them. Even after their partisan Super Tuesday sweeps, a Gallup poll shows 53 percent of Americans dislike Hillary Clinton, and an even greater number, 63 percent, have a similar view of Donald Trump.Yet Clinton and Trump keep winning. Will the Ick Factor be their undoing?

Marjorie Cohn – Hillary’s Link to Honduran Violence

A critical difference between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton is their position on whether children who fled violence in Central American countries, particularly Honduras, two years ago should be allowed to stay in the United States or be returned. Sen. Sanders states unequivocally that they should be able to remain in the U.S. Former Secretary of State Clinton disagrees. She …

Eric Zuesse – U.S. Government Blames 9/11 On Iran, Fines Iran $10.5B; Iran Refuses To Pay

On March 14th, Iran announced that it will never pay the $10.5B that a U.S. court demanded it pay for the 9/11 attacks. The same Bill-Clinton-appointed judge who had ruled, on 29 September 2015, that Saudi Arabia has sovereign immunity for 9/11 and so can’t be sued for it, ruled recently, on March 9th that Iran doesn’t have sovereign immunity and fined Iran $10.5 billion …

Leid Stories – Election 2016: Super Tuesday Fallout: WWBD? – 03.16.16

No surprise, really, in how things turned out yesterday–Donald Trump triumphed in three of five states, Florida, Illinois and North Carolina; Marco Rubio lost his own state and ended his campaign; Ted Cruz remained win less but is hoping to capture Rubio’s supporters in a long shot bid to remain in the race; and John Kasich scored his first victory, his home state of Ohio.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton bested her lone opponent, Bernie Sanders, in four states—Florida, Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina—with the final vote in Missouri too close to call.

As Leid Stories said yesterday, Super Tuesday “more than likely will cause a whittling of the GOP’s four-man slate, and on the Democratic side, a locked lead on being the nominee.” With Clinton appearing to have that locked lead on the Democratic nomination, the question becomes: “What Will Bernie Do?”

Ed Walker – The Problem of the Liberal Elites Part 1

As I pointed out in this post, conservative elites have completely lost their minds. But liberal elites have problems as well. The problem is more complex with liberals, and it will take several posts of reasonable length to get into it. To make things concrete, I’m going to begin with the liberal approach to trade, which gives me an opportunity to …

Jon Schwarz – Hillary Clinton Has Long History of Collaboration With GOP on Foreign Policy

Several members of the Republican foreign policy elite recently announcedthey’ll refuse to vote for Donald Trump if he’s the Republican nominee – with some going so far as to say they’d rather vote for Hillary Clinton. And while you may be shocked to see ideology so easily trump party affiliation, you shouldn’t be. Take a look, for instance, at this New York Times article from 2014. …