IAN MILLHISER – Donald Trump Has An Absolutely Terrifying Plan For The Supreme Court

Early in his campaign for the White House, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump suggested that his nominees to the Supreme Court may be unexpectedly moderate — he said that his sister Judge Maryanne Trump Barry, a left-of-center Clinton appointee to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, would make a “phenomenal” justice. Speaking at a South Carolina political …

Robert Barsocchini – The Violent Crimes And Shady Dealings Of Hillary Clinton

At the end of the year in which Hillary Clinton left her position as Secretary of State, 2013, the Obama regime’s USA was voted, inWin/Gallup’s global poll, as the greatest threat to peace in the world, with the runner-up, US-ally Pakistan, receiving three times fewer votes, and Russia receiving twelve times fewer votes. This was largely due to multiple international …

William Greider – Hillary Clinton Is Whitewashing the Financial Catastrophe

illary Clinton’s recent op-ed in The New York Times, “How I’d Rein In Wall Street,” was intended to reassure nervous Democrats who fear she is still in thrall to those mega-bankers of New York who crashed the American economy. Clinton’s brisk recital of plausible reform ideas might convince wishful thinkers who are not familiar with the complexities of banking. But informed skeptics, myself …

Channeling Nation’s Ugliness, Trump More American Than You Think

Much has been made of how Donald Trump’s racist remarks on the 2016 presidential campaign trail are “un-American,” outlandish, and—incredibly to some—giving him a bump in the polls. But others say it’s time for a reality check. Trump is “definitely not an outlier,” Erika Lee, director of the Immigration History Research Center at the University of Minnesota, told The Hill. …

Steven M. Druker – The GMO Dark Act Cannot Survive the Light

An ardent attempt is afoot on Capitol Hill to prevent states from requiring the labeling of genetically engineered foods – made especially urgent by the fact that Vermont’s labeling bill is set to take effect July 1st. Although proponents of these foods scored a major victory in July when they induced the House of Representatives to pass a bill (HR …

Michael Snyder – December 14th To 18th: A Week Of Reckoning For Global Stocks If The Fed Hikes Interest Rates?

Are we about to witness widespread panic in the global financial marketplace?  This week is shaping up to be an absolutely critical week for global stocks.  Coming into December, more than half of the 93 largest stock market indexes in the world were down more than 10 percent year to date, and last week stocks really started to slide all over …

Robert Parry – Blocking Democracy as Syria’s Solution

The solution to the crisis in Syria could be democracy – letting the people of Syria decide who they want as their leaders – but it is the Obama administration and its regional Sunni “allies,” including U.S.-armed militants and jihadists, that don’t want to risk a democratic solution because it might not achieve the long-held goal of “regime change.” Some …

Travis Gettys – Fear not: More Americans support Bernie Sanders than Donald Trump — no matter what TV says

As the Donald Trump campaign turns from farce to tribulation, it’s worth noting that millions more Americans support Bernie Sanders than the Republican frontrunner. Trump’s level of national support is 30.4 percent of GOP primary voters, according to the average calculated by Real Clear Politics, while Sanders remains in second place among Democratic primary voters with a 30.8 percent average …

Stuart Jeffries – The Muslims who shaped America – from brain surgeons to rappers

hat have Muslims ever done for America? If your sole source of information were Donald Trump, you’d think that the answer was not much – apart from murdering its citizens and trying to destroy its values. The Republican presidential hopeful has called for a halt to Muslims entering the US until American authorities “can figure out” Muslim attitudes to the …

How Hillary Clinton Abused Her State Department Role To Help Her Hedge Funder Son-In-Law

While Hillary Clinton may have had some entertaining problems when using her Blackberry (or was that iPad) as US Secretary of State, one thing she excelled at was nepotism. According to the latest set of emails released by the State Department, and first reported by the Daily Caller, Hillaryintervened in a request forwarded by her son-in-law, Marc Mezvisnky, on behalf of a deep-sea …