Ethan A. Huff – Former congressman blows whistle on how Republican party strong-armed members into approving massive prescription drug profit program for Big Pharma

Today’s Republican Party, to put it bluntly, is a joke. The so-called party of conservatism has lost its way, and former Republican congressman Tom Tancredo has decided to part ways and become an Independent, a decision that largely hinges on what he says is rampant and unapologetic corruption by Republicans in constantly pushing the special interest agenda of the pharmaceutical industry. In …

PAUL STREET – Out of the Blue: Hillary’s Sociopathy Revealed in Des Moines

Hillary Clinton said something remarkable and out of the blue during the second Democratic Party presidential debate in Des Moines, Iowa, last Saturday – something that ought to lead to the suspension of her quest for the White House. The comment came in response to a CBS debate moderator and Bernie Sanders pointing out that her campaign had received millions …

Leid Stories – 11.16.15

Terrorist Attacks in Paris and the Rise of the Orwellian State;
Democratic 2016 Candidates Go Blank on Foreign Policy and Rise of ISIS
French journalist Gilbert Mercier, cofounder and editor in chief of the independent online magazine News Junkie Post, says that Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris that claimed the lives of more than 130 people will be used by France and other global powers to justify unprecedented authoritarian rule. Mercier recently published The Orwellian Empire.
The second Q&A session (not “debate”) with Democratic presidential hopefuls Saturday—featuring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley—astutely avoided making any connection between U.S. foreign policy and the rise of ISIS.

Richard Eskow – The “New Democrats” Confront a New Reality

Several recent news articles have suggested that, in the words of a Washington Post headline, “there’s … a big economic fight happening in the Democratic Party.” It’s true. The corporate-friendly policies of the party’s more conservative wing have fared poorly, both as policy and as politics, and as a result the party has moved to the left. The insurgent candidacy …

All Together Now – 11.12.15

Eleanor LeCain discusses the state of the women’s movement with Eleanor Smeal, President of the Feminist Majority, and women’s economic security with Terry O’Neill, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW).

The Gary Null Show – 11.11.15

Larry Hancock is regarded as one of the foremost independent investigative researchers in the areas of US intelligence and the national security state. He has written on the history of CIA political assassinations, religious extremism and terrorism, and the murder of Martin Luther King. Larry’s research has been endorsed by the former House Select Committee of Investigation staff and the former historian for the State Department and CIA. His most recent release explores the long history of America’s intelligence crises and failures in preventing enemy and terrorist attacks – “Surprise Attack: From Pearl Harbor to 911 to Benghazi.” His website is

ARUN GUPTA – What Became of Occupy Wall Street?

One of the more puzzling aspects about Occupy Wall Street is not that there was a moment when millions of people hoped or feared it might overthrow the rule of the banks, but that so little is said about it four years on. Its anniversaries come and go without comment: Occupy’s founding on September 17, 2011, the high-water mark of …

Ask Beatty – 11.09.15

How honest are we with ourselves and with others? How important to you is truth and honesty? How do we learn to trust others if they betray us? Does it concern you that Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and others are blatantly lying to us about parts of their history? Or do we care that Bernie Sanders doesn’t kiss babies? Beatty asks you to consider these important questions, which invariably affect all of our relationships.

Greg Grandin – Kissinger, the Bombardier

In April 2014, ESPN published a photograph of an unlikely duo: Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and former national security adviser and secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Yankees-Red Sox season opener. In fleece jackets on a crisp spring day, they were visibly enjoying each other’s company, looking for all the world like a twenty-first-century geopolitical …