John Kiriakou – Obama Should Charge Clinton With Espionage

illary Clinton should be charged with espionage. Not really. And I don’t think she will be. But if the Obama administration is going to be consistent in its treatment of those who leak classified information, Clinton ought to face charges under the Espionage Act. The Espionage Act was written in 1917 to combat German saboteurs during the First World War. …

KIRA LERNER – Bernie Sanders To Introduce Legislation Abolishing Private Prisons When Congress Reconvenes

Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said Tuesday that he will introduce legislation to abolish private prisons, one piece of his comprehensive racial justice reform package that has won praise from Black Lives Matter activists. “When Congress reconvenes in September, I will be introducing legislation which takes corporations out of profiteering from running jails,” the independent senator said at a campaign …

US has 5 percent of world’s population, but had 31 percent of its public mass shooters from 1966-2012

CHICAGO — Despite having only about 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States was the attack site for a disproportionate 31 percent of public mass shooters globally from 1966-2012, according to new research that will be presented at the 110th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). “The United States, Yemen, Switzerland, Finland, and Serbia are ranked …

Dave Johnson – Trump: Don’t Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

Corporate tax dodgers will love Donald Trump’s new plan to let the corporations who don’t want to pay their taxes off the hook. But is this really the core of the Republican argument against all taxes? Republican economics has been stated a thousand ways by a thousand (always paid) voices. But the basic idea behind all the schemes has been …

Jim Hightower – Superrich Donors Turn Our Democracy Into Their Plutocracy

Robert Mercer, a Wall Street hedge-fund magnate who started at I.B.M. and made his fortune using computer patterns to outsmart the stock market, has already put more than $11 million into Ted Cruz’s SuperPAC Once upon a time in our Good Ol’ US-of-A, presidential contenders and their political parties had to raise the funds needed to make the race. How …

Leid Stories – 08.13.15

Leid Stories picks up from where it left off with yesterday’s program, discussing what is being marketed by the media as the “phenomenon” of Donald Trump’s presidential bid.
The backdrop to the supersaturated coverage of Trump is a story of intertwined interests in big money and power, the manipulation of public attitudes, and the railroading of what is commonly thought to be “the democratic process.”
In the rough-and-tumble world of American politics these things have become a natural part of the landscape, but the media’s role in this election cycle is astoundingly egregious, says Leid Stories—all the more so because it unabashedly has laid bare its collusion with a corrupt system and process, and with apparent approval from the industry.

The Mark Riley Show – 08.12.15

Today on The Mark Riley Show, Mark discusses these topics:

Marissa Janae Johnson doesn’t give a f@*k if protest at Bernie Sanders rally drives people away. Short response: she should give a f@*k. Yes, intervention at rally helped spark a conversation about progressives, race, and police brutality, yet in my opinion, it was the wrong conversation.

New poll out of New Hampshire has Bernie Sanders ahead of Hillary Clinton. Yes, its early, but this is significant. Now if he can just be more inclusive and diverse in terms of his outreach, he could be dangerous.

Arlington, Texas officer is fired in fatal shooting of Christian Taylor. Yes, you can disrupt a rally and spark a conversation, but you can’t stop the police killing of unarmed, mainly young black men. That takes more than conversations or interventions.

Video allegedly shows Tyrone Harris drawing gun before being shot by St. Louis County police. Questions abound in terms of this police shooting, and they start with whether the young man was actually intending to shoot anyone. As to the question of a gun, how come there were 4 “Oath Keepers” running around Ferguson carrying firearms, and none of them, got shot? To wit:

Armed white “Oath Keepers” descend on Ferguson, will definitely calm things down. Nuff said!

Cleveland woman found in jail cell tells prison officers “I don’t want to die in your cell” hours earlier in video. Seems Raikina Jones was prescribed some serious meds, and there are questions about whether authorities at the jail where she was did anything to see she got them. One thing we do know, because it’s on video. She told them.

Reporting on Iran, Jewish paper sees no plot to destroy Israel. The plot to destroy Israel has been the centerpiece of opposition to the Iran nuclear deal. There will be some who dismiss the Forward article as propaganda, but are people so sure?

Cuomo vs. de Blasio: Who wears the Big Boy pants? The Legionnaires’ Disease outbreak in the Bronx is the latest situation to expose fissures in the relationship between the NYC Mayor and the NY Governor. This follows disputes over charter schools and Uber. They’ve apparently kissed and made up in the latest flap, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be future fights. The Mayor needs to get his messaging act together, before he jeopardizes his chances of being re-elected in two years.

After two killers fled, New York prisoners say, beatings were next. If these allegations are true, w ill anyone be held to account? Unfortunately, law enforcement and prosecutors don’t always take the word of convicted criminals all that seriously. And that needs to change.

Cops blame end of stop and frisk for fewest gun seizures in eight years. The end of stop and frisk has been blamed for a lot of things. This is just the latest.

Lawrence Lessig to Explore a Run for President as a Democrat

Some people land gyrocopters on the lawn at the Capitol to protest big money in politics. Lawrence Lessig, the Harvard professor and democratic theorist, is thinking of running for president. On Tuesday morning, Mr. Lessig will announce that he will explore a protest bid for the Democratic nomination. If he can raise $1 million in small donations by Labor Day, …

John Whitehead – Don’t Be Fooled by the Political Game: The Illusion of Freedom in America

Being a citizen in the American corporate state is much like playing against a stacked deck: you’re always going to lose. The game is rigged, and “we the people” keep getting dealt the same losing hand. Even so, most stay in the game, against all odds, trusting that their luck will change. The problem, of course, is that luck will …

Will Hurd – US, UK, World Bank Among Aid Donors Complicit in Ethiopia’s War on Indigenous Tribes, Opening the Way to International Agribusiness

USAID, the UK’s DFID and the World Bank are among those covering up for severe human rights abuses against indigenous peoples in Ethiopia’s Omo Valley, inflicted during forced evictions to make way for huge plantations, writes Will Hurd. Their complicity in these crimes appears to be rooted in US and UK partnership with Ethiopia in the ‘war on terror’. In …