Both Major U.S. Parties are Plagues on Humanity By Glen Ford

There has never been a dime’s worth of difference between the Clintons (Bill and Hillary) and Barack Obama, and less than ten cents separates the worldviews of these Democratic political twins from the Bush wing of the Republican Party.Each has their individual quirks. Barack destroys international order and the rule of law while dabbling at song; Bill dismantled the U.S. …

Leid Stories – 07.01.15

A Burning Faith: Black Churches, White Supremacy

Hillary Clinton’s Storied “Struggle to Fit In” with Obama

Federal investigators probing a fire that destroyed Mount Zion African Methodist Episcopal Church in Greeleyville, S.C., last night reportedly believe arson was not the cause. The church was burned 20 years ago by Klansmen, and Mount Zion AME’s razing, the seventh Black church in the South to be destroyed by fire in recent weeks, has revived a history of white-supremacist terrorism against African Americans.

Leid Stories discusses the history of white-supremacist attacks on Black churches.

The ongoing sanitization by the media of the political history of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continues. A Reuters story today reports that the presumptive Democratic nominee “struggled to fit in with Obama’s White House” as secretary of state. The story, typical of major-media coverage of Clinton and her campaign, deliberately omits historical perspective on how she got the Cabinet position in the first place, which might have had something to do with her storied “struggle to fit in.” Leid Stories explains.

Officials: Much of Pacific Ocean threatened by Fukushima releases, an area covering 1/3 of globe — US: “States in region understandably concerned for safety”… “Urgent need” to assess impact on food, water — IAEA begins testing around Pacific

Marshall Islands Journal, Jul 18, 2014 (emphasis added): Seawater check for radioactivity… the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) visited the Marshall Islands earlier this month to train local officials to sample seawater for radioactive cesium… the IAEA Project [is] called “Marine benchmark study on the possible impact of the Fukushima radioactive releases in the Asia-Pacific Region.”… During a field exercise on July …

McKibben to Clinton: 5 Reasons environmentalists distrust you; and what you can do about it by VL Baker

FIVE REASONS ENVIRONMENTALISTS DISTRUST YOU1)Climate change has not been your issue. 2)You were terrible on Keystone .Even before the State Department began its review of the project, you said you were “inclined” to approve it. That’s been your last public word on the project, but your team performed an intellectually corrupt review of the plans, your campaign bundlers landed rich lobbying …

Is Fukushima Getting Worse? by ROBERT HUNZIKER

The Fukushima multiple nuclear disasters continue spewing out hot stuff like there’s no tomorrow. By all appearances, it is getting worse, out-of-control nuclear meltdowns. On June 19th Tepco reported the highest-ever readings of strontium-90 outside of the Fukushima plant ports. The readings were 1,000,000 Bq/m3 of strontium-90 at two locations near water intakes for Reactors 3 and 4. Tepco has not been …

This Is Bernie Sanders’ Plan to Beat Hillary Clinton By David Corn

It’s fortunate for Hillary Clinton that Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent socialist from Vermont who is challenging her for the Democratic presidential nomination, despises and eschews negative advertising. That’s because the political consulting firm that Sanders has retained to advise his campaign has a well-developed expertise in devising attack ads. Earlier this year, this outfit, Devine Mulvey Longabaugh, won a Pollie award from …

Obama’s Push for Corporate Rule: A Moment of Opportunity – David Korten

Only a few months ago, President Barack Obama was at loggerheads with Republican members of Congress intent on destroying his administration. With bewildering speed, Obama has since turned against his own political base to form an alliance on trade issues with those same Republican members of Congress. Obama’s most vigorous opposition now comes from progressives, including most of the senators …

47 Percent of Americans Would Vote for a Socialist: Gallup Poll By Kali Holloway

In a country where “socialist” is often used as a pejorative — and misused in too many ways to list here — it’s news that 47 percent of Gallup poll respondents say they’d vote for a socialist candidate for president. Though the political designation placed last on a hypothetical list of candidates that included women, gays and lesbians, Muslims and …

Electronic Voting Fraud: A Real Threat to Any Democrat Running for President By Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman

The way our electoral process now stands, electronic voting machines guarantee a Republican victory in 2016. No matter what she does, Hillary Clinton – or any other Democratic nominee – cannot be elected without a fundamental change in the basic mechanics of how our votes are cast and counted. It is a profoundly disturbing reality that casts a long shadow …

Under Green Party Banner, Jill Stein Officially Sets Sights on 2016 – Deirdre Fulton

Vowing to combat the “converging crises” of racism, militarism, climate change, and “extreme materialism,” Dr. Jill Stein on Tuesday announced this week that she is running for president of the United States as a Green Party candidate. In a campaign kick-off speech at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday, Stein laid out the major planks of her platform, excerpted …