Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls, Part 2: How the Left Became Irrelevant

Liberalism’s Death Bell Tolls, Part 2: How the Left Became Irrelevant Richard Gale and Gary Null Progressive Radio Network, March 5, 2013   In 2012, liberalism handed Obama a second opportunity to honor his earlier campaign slogan “change we can believe in”. And once again, following Obama’s inauguration and State of the Union speeches, the liberal left fell for the …

The Bush Family Goes for Number Three (With the Help of Its Bankers) By Nomi Prins

[This piece has been adapted and updated by Nomi Prins from her book All the Presidents’ Bankers: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power, recently out in paperback (Nation Books).]  It’s happening. As expected, dynastic politics is prevailing in campaign 2016. After a tease about as long as Hillary’s, Jeb Bush (aka Jeb!) officially announced his presidential bid last week. Ultimately, the two of …

Ten Ways Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush Are Basically the Same Presidential Candidate – Jake Anderson

Now that Jeb Bush has officially announced his intention to run for president in 2016, the most corporate-funded presidential election in history is set to begin, headed by two prospective frontrunners with eerily familiar names. It’s Bush versus Clinton—again! With third party candidates certain to be relegated to back alleys, we see, yet again, two of the prized families of …

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark Joins Lawsuit against Bush, Cheney, Et Al for Illegal War in Iraq By Claire Bernish

 A lawsuit against members of the Bush administration for their role in the invasion of Iraq recently received noteworthy support from an internationally prominent group of lawyers—including a former U.S. attorney general. The group is asking the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to review the class action suit on grounds that the U.S.-led war was an illegal act of aggression …

Hillary finally crafts defense of her poor tenure at State Department – Niall Stanage

Hillary Clinton has started to formulate a strategy on one of the thorniest issues she will face on the campaign trail: her tenure as President Obama’s secretary of State. Republicans have ripped Clinton’s reign as the country’s top diplomat, and the 2016 Democratic presidential front-runner hasn’t yet responded directly to those salvos. “I’ve stood up to adversaries like [Russia President …

America’s Electoral Farce By Chris Hedges

I intend to devote no more time to the upcoming presidential elections than walking to my local polling station on Election Day, voting for a third-party candidate, most likely the Green Party candidate, and going home. Any further energy invested in these elections, including championing Bernie Sanders’ill-advised decision to validate the Democratic Party by becoming one of its presidential candidates, is …

Pope Francis – Toward a Perfect Storm for Revolution

With Bernie Sanders calling for a political revolution based on economic fairness, I thought this from Paul Ferrell at MarketWatch, a Murdoch-owned Dow Jones website, was interesting.  Read the whole thing, but here are a few teasers: Mark your calendar: June 18. That’s launch day for Pope Francis’s historic anticapitalist revolution, a multitargeted global revolution against out-of-control free-market capitalism driven by consumerism, …

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes By Jake Tapper

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, seems reluctant to take a firm position on an issue dividing her party: whether President Obama should have fast-track trading authority for the immense trade deal he has been negotiating, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. With some progressive voters eyeing her with some skepticism, and facing a challenge (such …

The Hoax of Climate Denial By Naomi Oreskes

Recently, the Washington Post reported new data showing something most of us already sense: that increased polarization on Capitol Hill is due to the way the Republican Party has lurched to the right. The authors of the study use Senator John McCain to illustrate the point. McCain’s political odyssey is, in some dismaying sense, close to my own heart, since it highlights the …

As Sec of State, did Hillary Steer Donations to the Clinton Foundation? – DAVID SIROTA

Among all the rivers of money that have flowed to the Clinton family, one seems to raise the biggest national security questions of all: the stream of cash that came from 20 foreign governments who relied on weapons export approvals from Hillary Clinton’s State Department. Federal law designates the secretary of state as “responsible for the continuous supervision and general …