Rosette Newcomb – 63,000 New York Democrats Were Just Purged from Voter Rolls — And No One Knows Why

Tens of thousands of Democrats have been removed from the rolls in Brooklyn, New York, and nobody knows why. Between November 2015 and April 2016, over 63,000 Democratic voters in Kings County — the most populous county in New York, which houses Brooklyn — were removed from the county’s voter rolls. WNYC recently reported that out of all 63 counties in the Empire State, all but …

Stephen Zunes – Hillary and Bernie Part Ways on Israel

The foreign policy divide between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders could not have been more obvious than in last week’s debate in Brooklyn when the moderator brought forward the issue of Israel and Palestine. The answers they gave not only revealed differing emphases among two politicians who both strongly identify as being “pro-Israel,” it revealed a striking contrast regarding the …

Once Ahead by 60 Points, Clinton National Lead over Sanders Has Dwindled to Zero

Though all political eyes in the U.S. are now focused like a laser beam on Tuesday’s New York primary, the national trends remain startling when it comes to the intense competition between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Though Clinton led Sanders by sixty points when he entered the campaign less than a year ago, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released …

Pam Martens and Russ Martens – New York Primary’s Dirty Little Secrets Come Out of the Shadows

According to, 43 percent of Americans identify as politically independent. In New York state, voters who haven’t chosen a party affiliation total more than 2 million – more than 20 percent of all registered voters in New York. Unfortunately for them, they will be shut out of tomorrow’s New York primary where the stakes for the country’s future have …

Paul Buchheit – Hillary’s Dance: The Two-Faced Hypocritical 12-Step

If, sad to ponder, the presidential election comes down to Hillary Clinton vs. a Republican, we’ll be left either way with a business-friendly neocon White House. Given Hillary’s past deceits and reversals, it’s easy to see why she doesn’t inspire trust among the American people. 1. Environment “I won’t let anyone take us backward, deny our economy the benefits of …

Robert Parry – Democrats March Toward Cliff

As Democratic-insider “super-delegates” give Hillary Clinton a seemingly insurmountable lead for the presidential nomination, the former Secretary of State’s negative ratings continue to soar to stunning levels, hitting a net 24-point unfavorable in the new NBC-Wall Street Journal poll. It is hard to imagine someone who is viewed unfavorably by a clear majority of voters (56 percent) and with a net-negative …

Jay Janson – Hillary Destroyed Gaddafi And Libya’s Free Health Care And Education Sanders Wants For USA

It would seem Sanders fighting for Americans to have free health care and free education would have tempered his words about a Gaddafi who saw to his people receiving for many years what Bernie wants for Americas. Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton and the pro status quo Republican candidates opposing her are perhaps already an anachronism, i.e., persons with practices that belongs …

Study: Everyone lies, but politicians do it more often

This is the season of lies. We watch with fascination as candidates for the world’s most powerful job trade falsehoods and allegations of dishonesty. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump routinely calls rival Ted Cruz “Lyin’ Ted.” Cruz retorts: “Falsely accusing someone of lying is itself a lie and something Donald does daily.” News organizations such as The Associated Press and …

Bernie Sanders publishes tax returns showing $205,000 earnings following Hillary Clinton’s challenge

Bernie Sanders has revealed he earns $205,000 dollars (£145,000) a year, after being challenged by Hillary Clinton to publish his tax returns. Mr Sanders’ annual income, which is shared with his wife, is less than his multimillionaire rival made for three recent speeches delivered to Goldman Sachs employees. The banking giant paid Ms Clinton $675,000 (£475,000) for the appearances. She and her husband have an estimated net …

The Zombie Doctrine

Crisis after crisis is being caused by a failed ideology. But it cannot be stopped without a coherent alternative. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 16th April 2016 It’s as if the people of the Soviet Union had never heard of communism. The ideology that dominates our lives has, for most of us, no name. Mention it in conversation and …