Ten critical, fast-emerging trends will affect your quality of life and bottom line in 2016… In this segment of Trends This Week, global forecaster Gerald Celente unveils his Trends Research Institute’s forecast for the year ahead. Looking back back on 2015, with neither economic nor geopolitical fronts looking prosperous or peaceful, the aware and awake are preparing for the year ahead – especially in the new age of equity-market volatility and growing War on Terror fears. But while the concerns are real, a future of gloom and doom does not have to define 2016. There are opportunities in 2016 that, if seized, embraced and manifested with an eye on the future, and an open mind and a warm heart, one can reap great financial rewards, positive social change and personal satisfaction. The full forecast can be found at Trendsresearch.com.
Project Censored – 11.24.15
Peter and Mickey spend the hour with David Talbot, author of “The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA and the Rise of America’s Secret Government.” According to Talbot, Dulles — a Wall Street lawyer turned spymaster — shaped the modern CIA, defied the will of Presidents, and was complicit in the JFK assassination. Talbot says that Dulles’ influence continues into modern times, in government acitivities such as torture, rendition, and pervasive surveillance.
Trends This Week – Face the Truth or Face World War III – 11.18.15
Global forecaster Gerald Celente, in the aftermath of the Paris attacks, calls out the mainstream media, political leaders, so-called military experts and candidates in the Presidential Reality Show for failing to see the reasons why terrorism flourishes. Immediately following the Paris attacks, the airwaves were filled with screams for revenge and a doubling down on the fight against “evildoers.” So debased from reality has it become that the crowd at last week’s Presidential Reality Show debate cheered when GOP contender Marco Rubio declared that terrorists “hate us because our girls go to school. They hate us because women drive in the United States.” How ridiculous! Stop invading and destroying other countries. …Later, Celente offers highlights from his heralded Trends Journal, which published this week with contributions from natural healing icon Gary Null, geopolitical powerhouse Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, renowned economist Nomi Prins and many others. And Gary Null joins him on this broadcast to talk geopolitics and a very special upcoming trends and well being retreat in Florida this coming January, “Prepare for 2016.”
The Gary Null Show – 10.27.15
Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist who founded the Trends Research Institute in 1980. Celente has built his reputation as a fearless teller of the truth, an accurate forecaster and an analyst whose expertise crosses many arenas, from economics to politics, from health to science, and more. Most important, Celente is a pure political atheist. Unencumbered by political dogma, rigid ideology or conventional wisdom, Celente — whose motto is “think for yourself” — observes and analyzes current events forming future trends by seeing them for what they are — and not as what he’d like them to be. A best-selling author, Celente is the publisher of the quarterly Trends Journal and Trendsresearch.com. As with a doctor who gives his diagnosis after gathering the facts, whether or not you like the prognosis doesn’t alter the outcome, it’s simply what is. And while Celente holds a US passport, he considers himself a citizen of the world.
Let’s Create A Better World – 10.24.15
Our first guest Gerald Celente is an American trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author. Gerald spoke about the new group, occupy peace and some of the early strategies. Dr. Ren, known as “America’s Holistic Sweetheart” is a board certfied, award winning Naturpath and best selling Amazon author from Union, New Jersey. She speaks about how holistic health is changing America, other health related topics and her new book.
JFK Assassination Plot Mirrored in 1961 France: Part 1
As you watch, perhaps with alarm, as thousands of refugees from Muslim countries make their way through Europe in a seemingly endless parade, you may be wondering if some of them will end up living near you, and how this might affect your life. If you step back and look at the bigger picture, you will see the situation in …
Bill Simpich – The Murder of JFK: Another Puzzle Piece Solved
he mainstream media in America continually fails to understand that Americans are not interested in having a secret government. Former Saloneditor David Talbot has a new book coming out this week, entitled The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government. The book explores how Dulles targeted foreign leaders for assassination and then brought this practice back home …
The Gary Null Show – 10.05.15
Gerald Celente is one of today’s pioneers in trend strategy. He founded the Trends Research Institute in Kingston NY and is the publisher of the Trends Journal that has been published since 1980. He has since become one of the nation’s most sought after diagnosticians and forecasters He is also the founder of Trends TV, which provides monthly videos and analysis of current events and their likely direction and outcome. His institute also hosts frequent peace, prosperity and trends conferences. Gerald’s insights have been sought for by major networks, PBS and BBC, Russian TV, and publications such as the Economist and major newspapers. Gerald also launched the Occupy Peace initiative in Kingston NY this September. His website is TrendsResearch.com
Naomi Klein – Change Everything or Face A Global Katrina
For me, the road to This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate begins in a very specific time and place. The time was exactly ten years ago. The place was New Orleans, in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The road in question was flooded and littered with bodies. Today I am posting, for the first time, the entire section on Hurricane Katrina …
Michael Snyder – This 2 Day Stock Market Crash Was Larger Than Any 1 Day Stock Market Crash In U.S. History
We witnessed something truly historic happen on Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 530 points, and that followed a 358 point crashon Thursday. When you add those two days together, the total two day stock market crash that we just witnessed comes to a grand total of 888 points, which is larger than any one day stock market crash in U.S. history. …