A few numbers begin to reveal why Honduran indigenous leader and global movement luminary, Berta Cáceres, was assassinated on March 3, 2016. According to the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), more than 300 hydroelectric dams are planned for Honduras, of which 49 are on COPINH lands. Eight hundred seventy-two contracts have been handed out to corporations …
Research Confirms Hydroelectric Dams Not Environmentally Friendly After All – Sarah Lazare
A new study by University of East Anglia researchers confirms what numerous Indigenous communities have long charged: gigantic hydroelectric dam construction projects are not environmentally friendly, as proponents claim, but in fact pose a profound threat to biodiversity and life in the Amazon. Widespread Forest Vertebrate Extinctions Induced by a Mega Hydroelectric Dam in Lowland Amazonia was published Wednesday in the …
Murders of Earth’s Defenders: The Deadly Trend Continues – Andrea Germanos
“How many more people will die before the world takes notice?” That’s a question posed by the organization Global Witness, whose new report, How Many More?, exposes what it calls a “hidden crisis” of murders of those who defend the earth from environmental destruction. The “overarching theme” of the killings last year, which averaged more than two a week, involved disputes over …
Forest Bathing Increases Immunity
Anyone who has walked in a forest knows by common sense the beauty of it. It’s why some people choose to live in forests, or next to them, and why other people travel thousands of miles to stand in Redwood forests, or the rain forests of Costa Rica or Ecuador. But researchers in Japan, where the tradition called shinri-yoku, or …
New Alternative Energy Source Could Also ‘Make Us Healthier’
Monopolies are nothing new to humanity. For industries and corporations whose life blood revolves around their bottom line, it only makes sense to always push to monopolize their market by any means necessary. However, the existence of a monopoly does not suggest that there haven’t been, or aren’t currently, better ways and products; it simply means that the general public …