Meditations and Molotovs – 05.23.16

On today’s program, Vince addresses a question he’s been asked thousands of times as an activist and writer: “What do you want?” And, more importantly, “How are we going to get it?” The Left knows what it doesn’t want – exploitation, inequality, dis-empowerment, racism – but what replaces the structures, institutions and cultures that produce these phenomena? People can resist all they wish, but without a vision for the future, resistance is futile. Let’s talk about the future.

Smart Show (goharrison) with Cary Harrison – 07.20.15

Iran Deal: Manufactured Crisis
GARETH PORTER – Just back after two weeks in Vienna at the Iran talks, He is an investigative journalist and author of Manufactured Crisis: The Untold Story of the Iran Nuclear Scare.

Sandra Bland “Suicide” After Minor Traffic Stop
KERRY McLEAN – McLean is a human rights lawyer and activist with the International Lawyers Guild. Based in New York “The troubling, highly suspicious death of Sandra Bland is unfortunately all too familiar to African Americans.
Dan Berger – Berger is author of Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era.

How the Rich Get Richer by: Jack Rasmus

Since the official end of the last recession in June 2009, the wealthiest 1% households in the U.S. have captured 91% of all the net income gains, according to university studies based on US income tax records. At the same time, median family real incomes have consistently fallen 1%-2% every year since 2009 in the US—and that’s at the median …

Economic Update – Honest Economics – 04.19.15

Updates on Bernanke’s new big-bucks finance job, GM avoids billions in victims’ claims for faulty ignitions, Seattle capitalist raises all workers to minimum $70k/yr, Americans’ self-delusion on inequality, private profit trumps public policy, and anti-student-debt activism. Responses to listeners: impact on China if capitalism’s relocation stopped. Major discussions of economics of wages and prices, narrowness of economics education, and basic global economic development issue.