Former UK RN, (84` – `94) Alison McDermott became disillusioned with mainstream healthcare, leaving the NHS to learn natural health modalities, travelling extensively in Europe, Canada and the US. Alison met the founder of FireburnDoctor 13 years ago, became a student of his work, graduated, (The real NHS – Natural Hyperborean Sciences) and has witnessed his medically impossible results on …
Energy Stew – Scott Stabile – 11.24.17
Scott Stabile found so many ways to be discouraged about life, especially tragic deaths in his family when he was very young. He also became an expert at failing and finding fault with himself. His journey is very inspiring to us all as he learned how to reframe his life into kindness to himself and others. I was very moved …
What Women Must Know – How Diet, Probiotics, and Friendly Bacteria Help You Lose Weight and Heal Your Body and Mind with Robert Kieth Wallace – 10.26.17
ROBERT KEITH WALLACE is a pioneering researcher on the physiology of consciousness. His work has inspired hundreds of studies on the benefits of meditation and other mind-body techniques, and his findings have been published in Science, American Journal of Physiology, and Scientific American. After receiving his BS in physics and his PhD in physiology from UCLA, he conducted postgraduate research …
Expat Files – 10.15.17
#1- Everything you need to know about hiring, firing and interviewing domestics, maids, and cleaning ladies. Interviewees are coming from a completely different lifestyle, world view and social situation than you, so then what questions should you be asking in a interview? How much should you pay? What about benefits, hours and time off? Will she want to be on …
Jackie Atkins love for nunchucks, running and success paved the way for her to become Executive Director of Research & Development with Bell Labs, two time Ringside World Champion, National Golden Glove Champion and entrepreneur that gives immeasurably to youth so they too can have the vital tools in life needed to attain goals. Jackie tells Mark how she would …
Expat Files – 08.25.17
#1- Gringos with too much time on their hands often try to mold their Latin American paradise into a synthetic 1st world replica. The results are often not pretty. That’s one reason why we don’t recommend Costa Rica, Panama, and most of Gringoized Mexico. Why leave the states and turn your paradise into a lush tropical Cleveland with nice weather. Makes you …
Resistance Radio – Guest: Meghan Murphy – 08.13.17
Meghan Murphy is a writer and journalist from Vancouver, B.C. She founded Feminist Current in 2012, which has since grown to be the leading feminist website in Canada, as well as a global presence. Meghan is currently working on a book that critiques third wave feminism as a modern anti-feminist backlash. Download this episode (right click and save)
Expat Files – 08.13.17
#1- Venezuelan refugees and illegals are becoming a problem for adjacent Latin countries. A few years ago, before the present crisis, Venezuelans traveled about freely, trickled into other countries and were absorbed easily and even welcomed. Nearby countries like Colombia, Peru and Ecuador were easy destinations to get to. However these days in places like Colombia, etc., Venezuelans are looked upon …
What Women Must Know – The Perfect Anti-Aging Worksout with Teresa Tapp – 08.10.17
The Perfect Anti-Aging Worksout with Teresa Tapp  Teresa Tapp is an exercise physiologist, nutritional counselor and savvy businesswoman. Teresa knows how a woman’s body works-especially women over the age of 30. For the past 24 years, she has been chronicling her personal experience and collecting data from hundreds of female clients, developing exciting new insights on women’s health and fitness. …
What Women Must Know – An Action Plan for Treating Lyme and Chronic Disease with Dr. Richard Horowitz – 05.18.17
RICHARD I. HOROWITZ is a board-certified MD specializing in Internal Medicine. He and his wife, Lee, founded the Hudson Valley Healing Arts Center in Hyde Park, New York,    which has treated over 12,000 patients for tick-borne diseases over the past twenty-six years. Dr. Horowitz is known for his pioneering work with Lyme disease and is recognized   …