Progressive Radio Network


First, insurance companies gave us black boxes to put in our cars so they could track our driving, in exchange for discounts when we refrain from speeding.…
Updates on inadequate unemployment insurance, Ted Cruz's campaign money, law giving domestic workers real benefits, and demonizing the poor. Responses to questions on California drought…
This piece has run as an op/ed in newspapers in my very red congressional district in Virginia. Here's what I bet that historians will say…
The reason health care costs are so high is because Americans don’t have nearly enough “skin in the game.” That was the phrase that many…
Obamacare Increases Insurance-Rate by 87.7%/85.4%, or 2.7% Since 2008 Obamacare Increases Insureds from 85.4% up to 87.7% Candidate Obama’s Promise  of “Universal” Meant 100% Obamacare…
As a primary care pediatrician who sees children of low-income families in Washington, D.C., I am reminded every day of the vulnerability of our children’s…
The Bank of England, one of the oldest banks in the world, has joined the growing ranks of those warning of the financial risk posed…