iEat Green – Guest Francesco Mastalia, photographer, writer, chef – 05.25.17

Francesco is photographer, writer, and is releasing a new book called YOGA, the Secret of Life. Francesco Mastalia has traveled the world photographing tribal, religious, spiritual, and indigenous people. His first book DREADS, published by Workman Artisan, is a photo documentary on the history of dreadlocks. Now in its eighth printing, DREADS includes an introduction by Pulitzer Prize- winning author …

Western Canada Oil Spill Drenches Birds, Will Taint Drinking Water for Months to Come

Despite a devastating pipeline leak that flooded the North Saskatchewan River with 200,000 liters of tar sands crude last Thursday, Husky Energy waited until Monday to shut down the leaking pipeline. An executive with the oil behemothsaid the company was “deeply sorry” for the incident while announcing the pipeline closure. The apology and pipeline shutdown also only occurred after two …