The Ring of Fire started as a weekly syndicated radio show in 2004 for the purpose of exposing Wall Street thugs, environmental criminality, corporate media failure, and political back stories that you will rarely find from any other source. Since its formation, Ring of Fire has expanded into a multi-media outlet for the latest Progressive news, commentary and analysis. Mike …
Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 09.29.16
Long-Time activist, educator and author BILL AYERS joins us in Solartopia to talk about his new book DEMAND THE IMPOSSIBLE: A RADICAL MANIFESTO and much else about our current American miasma.
LOA Today – 11.12.15
This week we complete our series of interviews with Joel Elston to-date. This was actually my second interview with Joel, taking place in October of 2014 just a few weeks after the untimely death of his adopted son. It’s a noteworthy interview because it not only focuses attention on his son’s death, but more importantly it shows how a grieving person can take steps to turn that grief into rememberances of love and appreciation for the departed person.
Special vaccine debate on KSCO with Gary Null – 04.25.15
KSCO (Santa Cruz) debate and interview with Gary Null on Vaccination.