Psychologist and consciousness researcher Susan Blackmore talks about astral cords, brain regions, Zen koans, and her recent book Seeing Myself: The New Science of Out-of-Body Experiences (Robinson). Download this episode (right click and save)
Moving Forward – 01.09.18
Today we are going to be discussing Capitalism and it’s impacts with William Hawes and Paul Street. William Hawes is a writer specializing in politics and environmental issues. He is author of the ebook Planetary Vision: Essays on Freedom and Empire. His articles have appeared online at CounterPunch, Global Research, Countercurrents(.org), Gods & Radicals, Dissident Voice, The Ecologist, and many …
It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – Popular, Persistent Resistance – 12.21.17
A glancing overview of America’s economy discloses significant deprivation and inequality among citizens, corporatized institutions, co-opted politics and diminishing prospects for an increasing number of people. These conditions are neither acceptable nor necessary according to Kevin Zeese and Dr. Margaret Flowers, the leaders of Popular Ellen and Walt hold a year-end discussion with them about the developing crescendo calling for …
A Just Cause Radio – Spotlight on Capitol Hill Encore Series: Congressman James Clyburn – 12.10.17
We started earlier this year (2017) a Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series were we re-interviewed previous Congressman and Senators so that we can revisit and update our audience with what’s happening with them now and any new information & updates we feel need to be shared. So from time to time you will see a title that says “Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series”. Hopefully …
iEat Green – Susan Futrell – 11.09.17
Susan Futrell has worked with food businesses, nonprofit organizations and farms in marketing and distribution for over 35 years, including over two decades in the natural and organic foods industry. She is a freelance writer, essayist, and consultant, and has an MFA in nonfiction writing from the University of Iowa. Futrell is currently Director of Marketing for the nonprofit Red Tomato, which does marketing, logistics …
Meditations and Molotovs – 09.25.17
On today’s program, Vince speaks with Paul Street about Capitalism, Eco-Socialism, Structural Racism, Political Organizing, the NFL and Vietnam. Paul is an independent radical-democratic policy researcher, journalist, historian, author and speaker based in Iowa City, Iowa, and Chicago, Illinois. He is the author of seven books to date: Empire and Inequality: America and the World Since 9/11 (Boulder, CO: Paradigm, 2004); Segregated …
Leid Stories—Disaster in the Caribbean: A Reflection of Colonial Times; Two Protests, One Seeks A Buy-In; the Other Uncovers A Sellout–09.25.17
The response by the United States and Britain, principally, to current or former territories in the Caribbean that have been devastated by the recent spate of hurricanes tells a story that goes far beyond the matter of humanitarian aid. A tale of two protests. Free-agent quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s one-man protest against white supremacy and injustice got a huge boost this …
The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 08.30.17
The best one-hour discussion about nutrition available anywhere. Nutritionist Pam Popper PhD discusses why people now have so many medical problems that barely or never existed before modern times, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease, as well as seemingly infinite numbers of immune disorders. The answer is nutrition: we humans no longer eat what evolution prepared us to eat. From …
Heart of Mind Radio – 08.19.17
Download this episode (right click and save) Heart of Mind, Radio for the New Millennium, A central source for health, consciousness, spirituality and self-liberation. Hosted by Kathryn Davis with Katrina Taylor On today’s program, Kathryn and Katrina engage in a discussion of the “Sign of the Times.” Taking a look at the full Solar Eclipse and other astrological signs, prophesy and changing time lines. All are …
Warrior Connection- 07.16.17
The July 16th edition of Warrior Connection was a essential and timely discussion with John Boch- Executive Director of Guns Save Life, author, and extraordinary basic firearms, concealed carry, and force-on-force instructor with GSL defense training about how to avoid nasty situations and what to do if you find yourself in harms way. John provided us warning signs of what to look …