Trinity: 70 Years Later – JOSEPH MANGANO and Dr. JANETTE SHERMAN

It was 70 years ago, on July 16, 1945, that the first atomic bomb, named Trinity, was exploded at the White Sands Proving Ground, the nuclear test site near Alamagordo, NM. It was an event that changed world history forever, and created new health and security threats that still plague all life on this planet. Details of Trinity have been …

Is Saudi Arabia Now the Israel of the Gulf? – Robert Naiman

I came to Iran this week to participate in a peace boat sailing from Iran to protest the Saudi bombing and blockade of Yemen. Unfortunately, I had to withdraw from the boat trip for logistical reasons; my frequent collaborator Tighe Barry of CodePink still plans to be on the boat, which as of this writing was expected to leave Monday morning local time. So instead …

‘Guilty of Embarrassing Government’: CIA Whistleblower Gets 42-Month Sentence – Lauren McCauley

A federal court in Alexandria, Virginia sentenced former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling to three and a half years in prison on Monday in a case that has received widespread condemnation for revealing the “rank hypocrisy” of the U.S. government’s war on whistleblowers. In January, a jury convicted Sterling of violating the Espionage Act and leaking classified information toNew York Times journalist James Risen about a botched CIA …

The United States Considers Itself a Human Rights Champion. The World Begs to Differ. – Jamil Dakwar

Starting Monday, the United States’ human rights record will be subject to international scrutiny by the U.N. Human Rights Council. It may just be the perfect catalyst for the Obama administration to make good on past and present wrongs that should never be associated with a liberal democracy predicated on respect for human rights. The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is …

The U.S. Encouragement of Fanatic Islamism in the Arab World – GARY LEUPP

A beautiful essay posted on, entitled “A Marine in Syria: Silhouettes of Beauty and Coexistence before the Devastation” by Brad Hoff, draws our attention to what for the warmongers in Washington is a highly inconvenient truth: the secular dictatorships in the Middle East the U.S. has sought to destroy since 9/11 (including most recently that of Libya) have been far more tolerant towards …

Russian Missile Sale to Iran Involves Unseen Deals With Israel – Calev Ben-DavidIlya Arkhipov

Last month, when President Vladimir Putin of Russia announced plans to sell a powerful anti-missile system to Iran before the lifting of international sanctions, Israel was quick to join the U.S. in expressing shock and anger. But behind the public announcements is a little-known web of arms negotiations and secret diplomacy. In recent years, Israel and Russia have engaged in …

Why Iran Must Remain a US Enemy – GARETH PORTER

Since the start of the US nuclear negotiations with Iran, both Israeli and Saudi officials have indulged in highly publicised handwringing over their belief that such a nuclear deal would represent a fundamental strategic shift in US policy towards the region at the expense of its traditional alliances with Israel and Saudi Arabia. But the Obama administration is no more likely …

Darkness in the Morning: American Policy in the Middle East – JOSEPH GROSSO

In one way, since the end of the Second World War, when the U.S. assumed its role as the leading global hegemon, American policy towards the Middle East has resembled a damaged pinball machine gone tilt. There was the CIA led 1953 coup against Iran’s democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddeq, whose sin was nationalizing the British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, …

The Kingpin Strategy – Andrew Cockburn

As the war on terror nears its 14th anniversary — a war we seem to be losing, given jihadist advances in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen — the U.S. sticks stolidly to its strategy of “high-value targeting,” our preferred euphemism for assassination.  Secretary of State John Kerry has proudly cited the elimination of “fifty percent” of the Islamic State’s “top commanders” …

Yemen: Saudi prince promises free Bentleys to bomber pilots who killed 1,000 – Orlando Crowcroft , Anas Alajlan

A billionaire Saudi Arabian prince promised to give each of the 100 fighter pilots that took part in Riyadh’s latest air strikes in Yemen a brand new Bentley. Prince Alaweed bin Talal – who owns one of Saudi Arabia’s largest companies, Kingdom Holdings, and owns a $300m stake in Twitter – made his promise on social media but has since …